[p2p-research] Open patents for development

Kevin Flanagan kev.flanagan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 04:05:37 CET 2009

Hello All,

With reference to the blog post - 'Open up patents for development and
mitigating climate change: a concrete proposal'

So there is disagreement between the developed and the developing
countries on the efficiency of current intellectual property regime
for climate-related environmentally sound technologies, what about
other areas?

The developed countries see strong IP enforcement as having been
important to its own development and so see it as logical that
developing countries should need strong IP to develop likewise. But
isnt this really the western nations maintaining their monopolies and
keeping developing nations in their place as dependents through
actually restricting and holding back development?

In the short to medium term who benefits more from commons oriented
peer production the developed or the developing nations?
With recent posts on Brazil in mind. Could developing nations be the
real big innovators for future peer production? How might these
current antagonisms over IP between developed and developing countries
play out in a multi-polar world?
Is anyone aware of developing countries making bilateral and
multilateral agreements to circumvent such restrictions in
international trade agreements?
Is the developed world too entrenched in its ways for more radical
adoption of peer production?
Will the old extractive colonial mindset of the west lead to its own downfall?

Lots of ????????

All the best

Kevin Flanagan

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