[p2p-research] Fwd: State of the World Forum - World News and Events

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 09:26:15 CET 2009

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From: State of the World Forum <info at worldforum.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:46 PM
Subject: State of the World Forum - World News and Events
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com


*Dear Friends,*

*This week’s newsletter is dedicated to reports from our partners around the
world. We begin with Copenhagen news and events.  *

*Reports from Copenhagen*
*Michael Olmstead*
*State of the World Forum Sponsor and Producer*

Being at the Copenhagen experience, I would like to share the following

The city is alive with the power of change. Every billboard from Coke to
solar power companies is expounding the need to save the planet. From young
people to the college-aged activists who are jamming the Klimaforum to the
school children touring the venue people are awake and activated in a way
that I have not seen since the Vietnam era. Our colleagues Peter and Morel
have managed to carve out an impressive space of discourse in an otherwise
crowded landscape, indigenous people have taken their place at the table,
and the Danes are demonstrating their heightened consciousness with carbon
neutral taxis, hotel rooms, buildings, and large numbers riding their bikes
in cold rain.  The movement is alive and well in Copenhagen--and while it is
not where we would like it to be, and its voice is still not as loud as it *
will* be, it is growing at an encouraging pace.  Movements grow
exponentially and, as I sit here tonight in Copenhagen, I find some signs of
hope--there may yet be relief in this lifetime from this blessed unrest.

Let us all breathe through the ambiguity of this moment and focus on the
work to be done--we truly have the opportunity to live the most important
lives of any generation.

With respect and admiration,


Broadcasting Live from Copenhagen 24/7

<http://oneclimate.net/>http://oneclimate.net* *

Or copy and paste the link below to embed on your blog or website:

*2020 Climate Solutions Meshwork*

*[image: Text Box:] <http://2020.global.gaiaspace.org/global/%C2%A0>With so
many people and initiatives coalescing in Copenhagen at this one moment in
time, the climate change movement has the opportunity to take a leap in
coherence, collaboration and synergy to speak and act with unity and clarity
both nationally and globally.*

In this spirit, Klimaforum, the organizers of the People’s Summit in
Copenhagen, are teaming up with the 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign to
facilitate coherent, fast, follow-through action.  This is being done
through an online meshworks framework enabling people and organizations to
locate and collaborate with others by sector, catalyzing partnerships and
designing action outcomes.

At Klimaforum09, the meshwork initiative is housed in a space at the main
venue. It is designed to facilitate conversations that matter around the key
action areas arising in and from the Peoples’ Summit, and to transform those
conversations into actions that make a difference. We encourage you to join
this collaborative leap.  Click on the link below the Klimaforum logo to
register and get started.

* <http://www.solutionsweneednow.org/>Ode Magazine 2009 Copenhagen Special

Ode presents a free special edition on solutions for climate change with
contributions from Al Gore, Amory Lovins, Paul Hawken, Jim Garrison and

This important issue has limited availability - get yours now!



*Report from South Africa *
*Representative Goodnews Cadogan *

In preparation for the Washington Climate Leadership Summit, my focus in
South Africa has been about getting organised bodies in traditional
leadership, workers unions confederations, organised business leadership,
government leadership and prominent individuals like Archbishop Desmond
Tutu, and other environmental activists on board.

I am contacting all relevant people in the South Africa Development
Community member states to get them to come to Washington in their numbers,
and I will know by the 2nd week of December how much support we will have in
this regard. When I chaired one stream of discussion at the HR Africa
Conference, I made contact with people from Malawi, Kenya & Zambia, and I
hope to get good feedback from those referrals.

Within South Africa, the President of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of
South Africa, Inkosi, Ah! Dilizintaba, Sango Phathekile Holomisa, has tabled
the proposal for the council of elders to come to Washington,  I am
expecting a response in this week. I have also invited three major workers
union confederations, and this will support the strategy of getting civil
society and civic leadership to put pressure on political leadership post

We hope to have at least 5 participants from South Africa, covering the
areas of leadership in business, traditional, environmental activism, worker
representation, and at least 2 from the SADC region.

Goodnews may be contacted at:  goodnews.cadogan at gmail.com

*Report from México*
*Representativa Susana Oseguera Yturbide*

I have been talking to people in different sectors to begin mobilizing a
Mexico team.  I am looking for leaders that can communicate with other

So far I have 25 people to collaborate with from very different profiles and
backgrounds, some in governmental positions, others in positions of
influence to communicate our campaign and its urgency to industry. And some
of them, let’s just call them friends of State of the World Forum.

My priority next week is to get key media involved, especially TV.  I am
making the necessary arrangements and connecting with sponsors in order to
transmit the Washington conference to sites in Mexico.  Thursday, next week
I have a meeting with one of the main TV networks. I also have a meetings
scheduled with a senator and an intelligent and powerful NGO.

*Call to Action*
I am clear that our final objective or goal is to accelerate the necessary
actions to solve the global climate challenges.  And it is also clear to me
that this is about Consciousness and Transformation.

Therefore, five of my dear friends, whom I consider to be the core-team here
in Mexico, have committed with me in working toward this goal of creating a
better world.  Three of my colleagues and I recently participated in a very
powerful program coaching 60 people in developing a community project.  This
has been the best training I’ve seen for SWF community building.

So count on us. We are not developing State of the World Forum Mexico based
only in Susana’s point of view or preferences.  We are joining in with the
vision of the 2020 Climate Leadership Global Campaign.

With Gratitude & Green Regards from Mexico
Susana O. Y.
susaoyturbide at worldforum.org

Don’t forget to register for the Washington DC
February 28 – March 3, 2010
before the January price

*You may also join us by making a tax deductible donation to*
*our work at State of the World Forum*


Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

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