[p2p-research] Open Source Development for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 23:03:59 CET 2009

Good idea.  Universities should lead the way...agreeing to commit all
technology in this area to an open pool.  That'd be a great start.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Liam Rattray <liamratt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good afternoon all,
> Some of you who are following the UNFCCC climate negotiations may know
> that there is currently an impasse between "developed" (i.e. US & EU)
> and "developing" (i.e. China and India) over intellectual property
> rights and the transfer of technologies for climate change mitigation
> and adaptation. I put quotes around develop* because it begs the
> question of who is "developing" and what we're "developing" towards.
> I think that open source R&D, licensing and commercialization of what
> the UNFCCC calls "environmentally-sound technologies (EST)" can
> provide an alternative to the proprietary intellectual property
> licensing vs. compulsory (state-mandated) licensing of EST for
> diffusion and absorption of these technologies in deprived communities
> in both developed and developing nations.
> I released my working paper on Open Source Development and Climate
> Change with a paper, "How Open Source Development Can Resolve the
> North-South
> Intellectual Property Conflict in UNFCCC Negotiations: A Bipartisan
> Technology Transfer Pathway" yesterday and I would like to hear what
> people think about my arguments and proposals.
> http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Open_Source_Development
> In it I propose an Open Development Fund to be administered by the
> UNFCCC to provide grants to networked collaborative research and
> development immunities like the Factor E Farm in Missouri that create
> "environmentally-sound technologies" that provide for greenhouse gas
> mitigation and climate adaptation as part of an overall bipartisan
> (Annex-I and G77+China) proposal for Open Source
> Development. This fund would make equity investments or mesocredit
> business loans in local businesses that commercialize the open sourced
> technologies developed by communities affiliated with the fund. In
> this respect the necessary economic and information linkage between
> target communities and research communities would be fostered.
> One way or another I want to build a p2p development fund, be it
> either through an international governmental body, like the UNFCCC,
> which could provide for an immediate flush of funds or through an
> independent non-profit which would spend many years building up the
> endowment it relies on to provide funding.
> Cheers,
> Liam Rattray
> Undergraduate Research Assistant, Technology Policy and Assessment Center
> School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
> liamratt at gmail.com
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Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
P.O. Box 633
Grand Cayman, KY1-1303
Cayman Islands
(345) 916-1712
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