[p2p-research] Tick, tock, tick, tock? BING

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 14:30:49 CET 2009

On 12/11/09, Tomas Rawlings <tom at fluffylogic.net> wrote:
>  "Heretical Thoughts about Science and Society" by Freeman Dyson
>  http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/dysonf07/dysonf07_index.html
> "I am saying that the problems are grossly exaggerated."
> -
> There is a whole swath of denialism posited by Dyson - and all of it (plus
> other links cited) falls into the creationist 'god of the gaps' argument
> that goes something like; there are areas of uncertainty in climate science
> and it's methods/conclusions, therefore they don't know it all, therefore my
> argument is correct by default.  I've never seen any convincing science (not
> opinion) that shows that the threat is overestimated.  What is to say the
> the uncertainty means it is underestimated?  As the research progresses and
> we find out that carbon sinks are loosing their effectiveness and the
> impacts are happening faster that anticipated, if anything it looks like it
> is going to be worse than predicted.

This is exactly how I characterize the same argument.  I am right because
you don't know every fact.  It is a destructive mode of argument...very
dangerous when supporting a status quo that people wish to maintain.

Either climate change or the end of labor would be World War level issues
for leaders to deal with.  The perfect storm is arising with the emerging
necessity of dealing with both simultaneously.
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