[p2p-research] Structural Unemployment... round #3527

Edward Miller embraceunity at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 15:11:57 CET 2009

Marx actually would not buy into any of the End of Work arguments.

Here is a pretty good refutation of Negri, Rifkin, and others from an
anarchist and quasi-marxist perspective:


It is quite possible that Jeremy Rifkin doesn't believe in structural
unemployment.... he just wants the capitalists to believe in it... as an
alternative to needing to actually go through it.

yet on the other hand it seems like maybe Alan Greenspan now believes in it.
 I think there are a lot of feedback loops and such that make it hard to
determine if it will happen or not, but to be honest, it doesn't matter that
much. I don't think any P2P activism needs to be based on the belief in
imminent doom.... from peak oil to structural unemployment. If it helps,
then that's good I guess, but fear is a risky motivational technique. It
tends to spin out of control.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> These are Misian versus utilitarian arguments.  That sort of market
> utilitarianism isn't going to get much of a response here.  People feel it
> is simply silly to keep refuting these things...rather like continually
> refuting global warming skeptics and evolution skeptics.
> The actual utilitarians would easily be with the P2P advocates I strongly
> suspect...especially J.S. Mill.  The libertarians and Marxists who
> bastardized Mill would be our enemies...always will be.  One side is blinded
> by "markets" the other "equality."  Both are lies.
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