[p2p-research] Structural Unemployment... round #3527

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 14:35:50 CET 2009

These are Misian versus utilitarian arguments.  That sort of market
utilitarianism isn't going to get much of a response here.  People feel it
is simply silly to keep refuting these things...rather like continually
refuting global warming skeptics and evolution skeptics.

The actual utilitarians would easily be with the P2P advocates I strongly
suspect...especially J.S. Mill.  The libertarians and Marxists who
bastardized Mill would be our enemies...always will be.  One side is blinded
by "markets" the other "equality."  Both are lies.


On 12/10/09, Edward Miller <embraceunity at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am just as uncomfortable promoting a brief but intense period of
> suffering as anyone, so if anyone has better ideas I'm all ears. If there
> are no other ways, and one disagrees with this approach, then I'd need to
> see some rigorous utilitarian justification for why we should forgo the
> Basic Income side of things.
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