[p2p-research] CoralCDN peer-to-peer content distribution network

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Thu Dec 10 03:13:02 CET 2009

Related to something mentioned in my previous post mentioning "Princeton 
University Professor Michael Freedman, creator of CoralCDN". I don't see 
CoralCDN mentioned in the list archives.

* Our Goal
   Are you tired of clicking on some link from a web portal, only to find 
that the website is temporarily off-line because thousands or millions of 
other users are also trying to access it? Does your network have a really 
low-bandwidth connection, such that everyone, even accessing the same web 
pages, suffers from slow downloads? Have you ever run a website, only to 
find that suddenly you get hit with a spike of thousands of requests, 
overloading your server and possibly causing high monthly bills? If so, 
CoralCDN might be your free solution for these problems!
* Using Coral
   Taking advantage of CoralCDN is simple. Just append
to the hostname of any URL, and your request for that URL is handled by 
Coral! Try this page, or any other site:
* What is Coral?
   Coral is a free peer-to-peer content distribution network, comprised of a 
world-wide network of web proxies and nameservers. It allows a user to run a 
web site that offers high performance and meets huge demand, all for the 
price of a $50/month cable modem.
   Publishing through CoralCDN is as simple as appending a short string to 
the hostname of objects' URLs; a peer-to-peer DNS layer transparently 
redirects browsers to participating caching proxies, which in turn cooperate 
to minimize load on the source web server. Sites that run Coral 
automatically replicate content as a side effect of users accessing it, 
improving its availability. Using modern peer-to-peer indexing techniques, 
CoralCDN will efficiently find a cached object if it exists anywhere in the 
network, requiring that it use the origin server only to initially fetch the 
object once.
   One of Coral's key goals is to avoid ever creating hot spots in its 
infrastructure. It achieves this through a novel indexing abstraction we 
introduce called a distributed sloppy hash table (DSHT), and it creates 
self-organizing clusters of nodes that fetch information from each other to 
avoid communicating with more distant or heavily-loaded servers.
   A preliminary deployment of CoralCDN has been online since March 2004, 
running on the PlanetLab testbed. As of January 2006, it receives about 25 
million requests per day from more than 1 million unique clients.

Clever. :-)

For fun, you can try these: :-)

Or some of mine: :-)

I don't know quite how I feel about those URLs. :-) Though I did right away 
feed my Princeton related URLs into it. :-)

How do you feel about your CoralCDN URLs, Michel? :-)

--Paul Fernhout

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