[p2p-research] Personalized medicine

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Thu Dec 10 00:46:51 CET 2009

Matt Boggs wrote:
> [Matt Boggs] Is it just me or does the article on personalized medicine
> remind you of the movie THX1138. 

Or Gattaca.

Yes, those kind of issues are real risks. I think they are made worse to the 
extent our society organizes itself and most of the economy around 
competition instead of cooperation. Competition says you need to have the 
"best" genes (which may all be pretty similar, and if you don't have them, 
you are out of luck). Cooperation can say there is strength in diversity.

One the other hand, those who advocate competition will suggest it will 
breed diversity, and cooperation emerges from sameness. :-)

But in any case, I agree that each increase in technology like this is 
producing ripples outward in society.

--Paul Fernhout

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