[p2p-research] Tick, tock, tick, tock? BING

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 13:27:40 CET 2009

The denial group is winning for two reasons:

1. On the right, it is an issue that threatens radical change to the status
quo that requires national and international coordination...in short,
effective government.  That is something the right cannot and will not admit

2. On the left, there is a demand for clear science so as to move things to
a purely technocratic dialogue.  In short, the greens don't want to argue
politics, they want to argue fact.  Such clear and compelling analysis is
unlikely for a vast topic.  No one can futurize the warming accurately.  The
models simply aren't there.  I think there is even a less helpful element of
the left that is hoping for collapses so as to advance the prospect of
catalyzed change.  Again, a destructive and naive view, but one I think is
quite popular.  I have even heard of protest plans for Copenhagen from the
left.  Bizarre.  By denying normal politics, they make themselves friends of
their enemies.

I am generally sympathetic to point 2 but it is bad politics and is
contributing to a collapse that plays into the hands of the right...as the
naive left so often does.  It looks like Europe is going to lead on this in
Copenhagen thanks to the hope of Labour in the UK of making it their new
defining political issue.  20% cuts from 1990 carbon levels would be a major
goal and an achievement...especially if targeted within 6 months for a start
as law.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Tomas Rawlings <tom at fluffylogic.net> wrote:

>  Actually, it is hard to say. Again, global climate change is dispersed,
>> slow, non-obvious, bounces back and forth (some places cool, some warm), and
>> so on.
> On the subject of climate change I am finding the whole issue very
> depressing.  We seem to have a p2p model in operation to deny climate change
> as well as a p2p model in the protests for action - yet the denial/delay
> camp is gaining group.
> It is a plus that science is being opened up with data being released etc
> so it is not a closed shop, but the abuse of the data by those with a
> regressive political agenda is very depressing.
> http://www.desmogblog.com/deniers-continue-copenhagen-hijack-attack
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Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
P.O. Box 633
Grand Cayman, KY1-1303
Cayman Islands
(345) 916-1712
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