[p2p-research] Bruce E. Levine: Are Americans Too Broken for the Truth to Set Us Free?

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Tue Dec 8 03:39:33 CET 2009

Just to suggest I'm stupid: :-) (Marco should like this. :-)
   "Bruce E. Levine: Are Americans Too Broken for the Truth to Set Us Free?"
When people get caught up in humiliating abuse syndromes, more truths about 
their oppressive humiliations don’t set them free. What sets them free is 
   What gives people morale? Encouragement. Small victories. Models of 
courageous behaviors. And anything that helps them break out of the vicious 
cycle of pain, shut down, immobilization, shame over immobilization, more 
pain, and more shut down.
   An elitist assumption is that people don’t change because they are either 
ignorant of their problems or ignorant of solutions. Elitist “helpers” think 
they have done something useful by informing overweight people that they are 
obese and that they must reduce their caloric intake and increase exercise. 
An elitist who has never been broken by his or her circumstances does not 
know that people who have become demoralized do not need analyses and 
pontifications.  Rather the immobilized need a shot of morale.

--Paul Fernhout

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