[p2p-research] DIY/P2P physical networks (Was: Re: FWD: Re: Google gets into the DNS business)

Ted Smith teddks at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 00:32:22 CET 2009

On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 19:09 +0100, M. Fioretti wrote:
> (answering also to Ted now) I am deeply skeptical (**) about DIY / P2P
> physical networks as complete replacements of centrally managed and
> deployed **physical** telecom networks. I already wrote extensively
> about this, so I invite everybody to (re)-read this:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Thoughts_on_P2P_production_and_deployment_of_physical_objects 

I don't have the time to read through that right this minute, but I
will. From the glance I took at it, I think I can spot a few things you
might have missed.

I don't disagree with you wrt the infeasibility of totally replacing the
current hierarchical internet with a p2p/horizontal one. However, it
does seem very feasible to grow local networks that can supplant the
current structure _locally_ -- for instance, the Athens network, or
Freifunk. The article is also more than a year old now; maybe it's time
for an update ;-)
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