[p2p-research] Google gets into the DNS business

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Dec 6 22:07:25 CET 2009

On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 13:20:41 PM -0700, Patrick Anderson wrote:

> And why are they against us?  It is because profit requires
> scarcity, and so seeking to perpetuate profit incents artificial
> scarcity and withholding solutions. We don't yet have "User Freedom"
> in the physical realm because we haven't yet discovered how to
> incorporate for our own purposes.
> ...
> Here is my rough plan to solve this issue:

One risks on lists with a mission like the one p2presearch has is that
most discussions can go off a tangent very quickly, building or
analyzing futuristic models, even when there is no need. The problems
signalled at the beginning of this thread can be solved or greatly
reduced, simply learning how to use some software or hardware already
available today.

This is not a critique to your proposal per se. Your plan is
interesting. I am just pointing out that there is no need of it to
solve the particular issue at the origin of this thread. Considered
from that point of view, seems like killing an ant with a nuclear
bomb. Is living without gmail really more difficult than reforming or
replacing corporations? Just curious, any mail client is OK with me if
used properly.

Ninux: here's why you too may need your "neighborhood Internet":

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