[p2p-research] Google gets into the DNS business

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Sun Dec 6 16:19:36 CET 2009

On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 02:57:17PM +0100, M. Fioretti wrote:

> It can cost much more, at least here and many other countries, and

If you're pulling 10 W it's something different from 300 W. 
As a rule of thumb an embedded platform will pay for itself
within less than a year.

> will be much, much less reliable anyway. With many residential ADSL
> contracts you only get dynamic IP addresses and are not allowed to run

DynDNS is ok. P2P can be in principle completely serverless.

> servers. Port 25 incoming (=receiving email from the Internet for

Sharing services can be typically on arbitrary ports.

> people not in the know) is blocked period by most ISPs on such
> contracts, until the day some class action will put an end to
> this. Today, to have fixed IP and no ports closed you must get a
> business contract, which is much more than 10/15 Euro/month.

Not really an issue in most of the world. At worst you have you
deal with ISP-wide NAT.
> Besides, any home computer is much less reliable than a server in a
> professional datacenter. If a fuse blows up at home and fries your
> computer while you're on a business trip, you're toast. And I don't

If your service provider eats your data you've got not even a 
bricked piece of hardware to show for it. As a matter of fact,
it's not unheard of for people travelling to have two such
boxes, which keep each other in sync.

> see what's different if the computer is a pogoplug or a normal one.

If you want your data secure, use something like Tahoe.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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