[p2p-research] Google gets into the DNS business

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Sun Dec 6 14:57:17 CET 2009

On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 13:01:05 PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 12:35:38PM +0100, M. Fioretti wrote:
> > This said, it's not free, because to do things well you need to
> > rent a Virtual Private Server in some professional data center,
> > which means several Euro (>= 10/15) each month, so it's simply out
> > of reach for
> If you have a dedicated system at home it will cost you about that
> much in term of electricity costs.

It can cost much more, at least here and many other countries, and
will be much, much less reliable anyway. With many residential ADSL
contracts you only get dynamic IP addresses and are not allowed to run
servers. Port 25 incoming (=receiving email from the Internet for
people not in the know) is blocked period by most ISPs on such
contracts, until the day some class action will put an end to
this. Today, to have fixed IP and no ports closed you must get a
business contract, which is much more than 10/15 Euro/month.

Besides, any home computer is much less reliable than a server in a
professional datacenter. If a fuse blows up at home and fries your
computer while you're on a business trip, you're toast. And I don't
see what's different if the computer is a pogoplug or a normal one.


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