[p2p-research] Kim Stanley Robinson on the great battle of the age

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 06:06:52 CET 2009

great interview with one of my top 3 s-f authors:

>What’s been set up and is playing out now is a huge world historical battle
between science and capitalism. Science is insisting more emphatically every
day that this is a real and present danger. Capitalism is saying it isn’t,
because if it were true it would mean more government control of economies,
more social justice (as a climate stabilization technique) and so on. These
are the two big players in our civilization, so I say, be aware, watch the
heavyweights go at it, and back science every chance you get. I speak to all
fellow leftists around the world: science is now a leftism, and thank God;
but capitalism is very, very strong. So it’s a dangerous moment. People who
like their history dramatic and non-utopian should be pleased.

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