[p2p-research] international commons event - Participants from the South

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 03:31:25 CET 2009

Dear friends,

thanks for carefully reading this proposal for a commons conference, and
especially its list of names; thanks for any input, and don't hesitate to
suggest your own names, indicating the domain/section you belong in.

Please do not forward to any other public list though,


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:37 AM, Silke Helfrich <Silke.Helfrich at gmx.de>wrote:

>  Dear all,
> we are planning a international commons event, to take place in the fall of
> 2010, or perhaps, spring of 2011, focussed on *commons-oriented policy
> options*, possibly funded by hbf but it's not yet sure.  We'll see that in
> January. The better the concept is, the easier we'll agree upon.
> We are currently gathering our ideas about objectives (david/michel - I've
> just put a first proposal about objectives),  streams, participants,
> "flagship-projects" and so on.
> What I kindly ask you for is to have a look at our proposal so far. We *We're
> particularly looking for non Euro-americans, who presently dominate the list
> (and of course, we have mostly males still as well)*, so thanks for
> bringing more diversity to this list!!!! This is crucial.
> Thanks a lot for your help (the earlier, the better)
> Best
> Silke
>    ... to be written
> - upfront reference to the current crises – economics, energy, poverty,
> ethics and belief
> - instead of starting by exploring the nature of the commons, start by
> attacking the major global problems to which commons are a possible answer.
> - compare non-commons and commons approaches within a real-life context
> which would lead to further exploration of the commons.   *TITLE: *
> *"Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform"*
> PLEASE NOTE, we need some bio lines to explain the connection between the
> people and 'the commons' - SILKE: ok, but later.
> *Objectives:*
> By gathering a wide array of international commoners, intelectuals,
> activists and policy makers we aim to
> 1. get common ground on a coherent commons-approach among from a
> multidisciplinary perspective and to determine the basics of a political
> commons discourse (to be broken down to each political and cultural
> situation)
> 2. develop a policy framework as well as a broad communication strategy to
> point out the strenght of a commons-based approach to meet current
> political, economical, ecological and social challenges (commons as an
> approach to solve problems and prevent crisis)
> *Issues: *
> Stream 1: The Commons as a critique of the status quo and as a new
> narrative of the 21 century (the critique of market and state fundamentalism
> from a commons and civil-society oriented point of view)
> Stream 2: The global political economy of the commons - challenge for
> classical economic patterns/thinking (the commons and the state, commons
> oriented global multilateralism 2.0, the commons in a plural economy,
> partner state models to empower the commons, meta-governance of
> commons-state-market)
> Stream 3: Is a commons based economy good for business? (the commons and
> the market, open business models, enterpreneurial ecologies)
> Stream 4: The commons and politics (Is the commons a movement? New
> alliances needed to convert the narrative in reality, the role of social
> charters, towards a new social contract)
> Stream 5: The commons as new open infrastructure and framework
> (governance, infrastructure-building, ownership models, open money, etc..)
> Transversal: to present and share information about "flagship-projects"
>   (note of mb to myself, continue processing
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Policy  from #Towards_a_Partner_State
> onwards)
>   PART 1: COMMONS-RELATED   *Commons-policy meta thinkers:*   * James
> Quilligan, http://www.stwr.org/writers/james-b-quilligan.html * Otto
> Scharmer's seven acupuncture points,
> http://www.ottoscharmer.com/docs/articles/2009_SevenAcupuncturePoints5.pdf* James Boyle,
> http://www.law.duke.edu/boylesite/ * Peter Barnes, Capitalism 3.0
> * Richard Hames, commons and climate change, State of the World Forum
> * Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute (Germany) http://www.wupperinst.org/
> * Someone from the New Economics Foundation (UK)
> * Paul Rogers, Sustainable Security,
> http://sustainablesecurity.org/article/climate-peril-race-against-time *
> James Greyson: Seven Policy Switches for Global Security<http://p2pfoundation.net/Seven_Policy_Switches_for_Global_Security>,
> http://www.wiserearth.org/resource/view/2f007297ce994215d709c47f4c9230a1
> * Lawrence Liang, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
> * Jorge Buzaglo, Global Commons and Common Sense,
> http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue51/Buzaglo51.pdf
> * Don Tapscott, Global Redesign Initiative, WEF
> * Jim Falk, Australian activist and policy analyst
> <http://www.acsis.unimelb.edu.au/s_director.html><http://www.acsis.unimelb.edu.au/s_director.html>,
> sometime chair of greenpeace, latest book is about governance
> <http://www.amazon.co.uk/Worlds-Transition-Evolving-Governance-Stressed/dp/1843762269/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259755252&sr=8-13><http://www.amazon.co.uk/Worlds-Transition-Evolving-Governance-Stressed/dp/1843762269/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259755252&sr=8-13>
> .
> * Vandana Shiva (India)
> * Maria Fernanda Espinosa, Ecuador (Ex Foreign Minister, don't know where
> she is right now,
> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar%C3%ADa_Fernanda_Espinosa)
> * Alberto Acosta, Ecuador,
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Acosta_(%C3%96konom)<http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Acosta_%28%C3%96konom%29>
> Mexico? Sergio Aguayo?  who?
> Brasil?
> Africa???     *Commons Politics*   * David Korten * Paul Hawken
> * Michael Hardt/Tony Negri
> *Not famous, but very worthwhile:*   Jeff Vail, a theory of power Kevin
> Carson, mutualist.org Dale Carrico, Amor Mundi   *Commons economics*   *
> Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks * Christian Siefkes,
> www.keimform.de, http://www.siefkes.net/ * Michel Bauwens, modalities of
> peer production * Don Tapscott (Wikinomics) * Roberto Verzola, Philippino
> green and agri activist, abundance engineering vs. scarcity engineering *
> Brett M. Frischmann, Infrastructure Commons in Economic Perspective<http://p2pfoundation.net/Infrastructure_Commons_in_Economic_Perspective>* Mark Cooper,
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Mark_Cooper_on_Public_Airwaves_as_a_Common_Asset* Hazel Henderson,
> ethicalmarkets.tv
> * Someone from the New Economics Foundation (author of The Great Transition
> ?)
> * Sam Bowles, Santa Fe Institute and University of Massachusetts
>   Possible sympathizers:   - Joseph Stiglitz - Paul Krugman - Robert Reich
>   *COMMONS ORIENTED INFRASTRUCTURES*   *Commons governance*   * Elinor
> Ostrom, governance * Charlotte Hess, governance * Bob Jessop, metagovernance
> * David Ronfeldt, TIMN model   *Commons as infrastructures*   * Franz
> Nahrada – Global Villages
> * John Wilbanks (open science and open access)
> * Peter Suber (open access)
> * Ed Felten, Freedom to Tinker blog,
> http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=1016
> * Jonathan Gray, Open Knowledge Foundation, UK * Wouter Tebbens, FFII Free
> Infrastructures, Netherlands * Ezio Manzini, local design commons for
> sustainability,
> http://www.rethinkclimate.org/debat/rethink-technology/?show=bvc
>   *Commons as property (licenses etc..)*   * Phillip Aigrain (french
> copyright reform) * Eben Moglen (EFF lawyer) * Lawrence Lessig * James Love
> * Michael Geist, Canada
> * Achim Lerch
>     *Commons as policy process and method:*   * Elizabeth Turnstall's work
> on policy design * Centre for Policy Dev - Open Source Policy<http://policydevelopment.wikispaces.com/opensourcepolicy>:
> Australia's Centre for Policy Development is conducting research into
> applying open source software methods to policy development. * Mark Elliot, Future
> Melbourne Community Plan<http://www.futuremelbourne.com.au/wiki/view/FMPlan>:
> The city of Melbourne, Australia invited citizen participation in the
> formation of their city plan using a moderated wiki. * Clay Shirky, group
> dynamics * Howard Rheingold, cooperation studies and literacy * Charles
> Leadbeater, open government services     *Policy Commons (Open
> Government):*   * Tim O'Reilly, "The Four Pillars of an Open Civic System<http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/06/the-four-pillars-of-an-open-ci.html>"
> (this typology of Open Civic Systems<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Civic_Systems>includes: Government to Citizen, Citizen to Government, Citizen to Citizen,
> and Government to Government)
> * David Eaves, Vancouver Canada, Three Laws of Open Government Data,
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Three_Laws_of_Open_Government_Data
> * Jose Murilo, Brazilian minister of culture for digital affairs, who is
> pioneering new forms of citizen participation in government policymaking
> *Money Commons (Open Money):*
> * Bernard Lietaer (Belgium), Future of Money
> * Michael Linton (LETS, Open Money)
> * Jean-Francois Noubel (Flow)
> * Metacurrency Project
> * John Clippinger, Berkman Center
>     *Commons-oriented political groups*   - Christian Siefkes (Keimform) -
> Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation) * David Bollier (On the Commons) * Massimo
> de Angelis (the Commoner) * Stefan Meretz (Oekonux) * Nicola Bullard (Focus
> on the Global South) * Jay Bender, Commons Governance Work Group,
> http://www.wiserearth.org/group/commonsgroup * Silke Helfrich (
> commonsblog.de)
> * Herrmann Hatzfeldt, FSC, Crottorf Commons Meetings * Governance of the
> Commons by the People UN Lobby * Harriet Barlow, (On the Commons)
> * Julie Risteau, (On the Commons)
> * Maude Barlow (Council of Canadians)
> * WSF (Brasil or another LA-Country  - two names by beginning of february)
> *Commons-oriented charters*
> * Manifest: Gemeingüter stärken. Jetzt!
> http://www.boell.de/oekologie/demokratie-7144.html
>   in spanish: http://www.boell-latinoamerica.org/navigation/117-752.html
> * Pirate Party program, http://www2.piratpartiet.se/international/english [Amelia
> ?? Schwedish Pirate Party / Belgian Pirate Party ,  Jurgen]
> * FC Forum, Simona Conservas, Charter for Innovation, Creativity and
> Access to Knowledge<http://p2pfoundation.net/Charter_for_Innovation,_Creativity_and_Access_to_Knowledge>
> * Marc Canter, Bill of rights for users of the social web,
> http://opensocialweb.org/2007/09/05/bill-of-rights/
> ** The Declaration of Respect for Life and Human Security across the
> Global Commons* , http://www.wiserearth.org/group/commonsgroup
> * Manchester Manifesto Group (science) ,
> http://www.isei.manchester.ac.uk/TheManchesterManifesto.pdf
> *Commons-oriented institutions*
> * GLS Trust / Bank
> * Grundeinkommensbewegung, Germany: Prof. Michael Opielka * at least two
> representatives from foundations like Bosch-Foundation, Packard Foundations
> a.s.o.
> * Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (BpB)
>   *SPECIALIZED COMMONS*     *Agrifood / biotech* *  Pat Mooney – ETC
> * Oliver Willing /Benedikt Härlin - GLS Trust/ Zukunftsstiftung
> Landwirtschaft
>   *Software code* * Marc Shuttleworth, Ubuntu/Canonical * Linux
> Foundation? * Free Software Foundation * Mozilla Foundation     *Design
> and manufacturing commons* * Arduino * eCars Now     *Spirituality Commons
> *   * Lawrence Wollersheim, Global Integral Spiritual Commons * Jorge
> Ferrer, CIIS, participatory turn
> *Science Commons*
> Rob Carlson, open source biology and biosynthesis,
> http://audiovideo.economist.com/?fr_story=706e536c2a60f103f23adcc3f0c0c76150dfbe6b
>    - Jon Wilbanks, <http://scienceblogs.com/commonknowledge/> Science
>    Commons/ Health Commons/ Neuro Commons
>    - Steve Koch <http://stevekochscience.blogspot.com/>
>    - Cameron Neylon <http://blog.openwetware.org/scienceintheopen/>
>    - Michael Nielsen <http://michaelnielsen.org/>
>    - Jean-Claude Bradley <http://usefulchem.blogspot.com/>
>    - Richard Jefferson, CAMBIA, Australia
> * *
> *high level economist or thinkers list (not necessarily commoners"*)
> Peter Bofinger: http://www.economy-point.org/p/peter-bofinger.html
> and
> Hans-Helmut Kotz: very open minded and knows the casino from within
> http://www.gbf.com/gbf/speakers.asp?ConfNo=1017&SpeakerNo=94
> Hans Joachim Schnellhuber (PIK)
> IPCCC - leaders?
> *Business: *
> Julio Lambing, e5
> Gerhard Scherholm
> Götz Werner (dm/ Grundeinkommen)
> Binswanger
> *Scientifists/ Politicians:*
> Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
> philosophers?
> antropologists?
> Prof. Dr. Hartmut Häusermann (urban sociology)
> Dr. Andreas Weber
> Prof. Dr. Albert Löhr http://www.dnwe.de/Loehr.html
> Prof. Dr. Ulrich Duchrow
> Prof. Dr. Ulrich Steinvorth
> Prof. Martin Hellwig - Director Max Planck Institute for Research on the
> Commons
> Dr. Leticia Merino, IASC, Mexico
> Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels, University of Cologne
> *Media in Germany: *
> Heribert Prantl (SZ)
> Christiane Grefe (ZEIT)
> Matthias Greffrath (independent)
> Frank Schirrmacher (FAZ)
> Christoph Schlee (Allmende Film) + Commons and Basic Income
> *Commons-oriented publications: *
> * Nancy Roof, Kosmos Journal * Sarah ?, Yes! magazine
> * Lara Mallien, Oya
> *Others: *

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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