[p2p-research] Fwd: Invitation to Friendly Favors Events: Sep-Oct 2009

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 12:27:12 CEST 2009

Anybody in california going to the 3 ones selected ...

I'm soooo curious,


2009 Sep 9th - Wed at 6:00 PM
MICHAEL E. SALLA, Ph.D.: The Science, Spirituality, and Politics of
Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by one of our most outspoken
scientists exposing the still existing Cold War cover up of our contact with
extraterrestrial civilizations and the opportunities presented by our new
transparency policies.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Sep 22nd - Tue at 6:00 PM
GEORGE LoBUONO: The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials
Potluck dinner, presentation and discussion with one of our most committed
investigative reporters on the state of mind and level of consciousness of
the different alien races many experiencers - including George himself -
report visiting us now.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Oct 8th - Thu at 6:00 PM
MADALYN SUOZZO: Original Sex. What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?
Potluck dinner followed by a provocative presentation that weaves modern
understanding with ancient evidence to finally understand the original sin
and allow us to grow to a new level of consciousness.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <sergio at sergiolub.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Invitation to Friendly Favors Events: Sep-Oct 2009
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

To Michel Bauwens

You and your loved ones are cordially invited to the following presentations
in Northern California and Nevada.

If you are coming to one of our gatherings, please login at Favors.org, go
to Events and RSVP. For directions visit Details. To find a carpool partner
see Who’s Coming.

If you cannot attend, you can still learn about our speakers' work by
exploring their websites, reading their books and making contact through the

To subscribe: Favors.org > Register
To unsubscribe, please reply writing Unsubscribe in the subject line.

Sergio Lub



2009 Sep 2nd - Wed at 5:00 PM
SERGIO LUB: Networks of Trust - The Next Evolutionary Milestone
Lecture exploring the origins of Social Networks and their many future
possibilities - followed by a round table.
Location: Entheon Village, 6:30 & D at Burning Man - Black Rock City, Nevada

2009 Sep 9th - Wed at 6:00 PM
MICHAEL E. SALLA, Ph.D.: The Science, Spirituality, and Politics of
Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by one of our most outspoken
scientists exposing the still existing Cold War cover up of our contact with
extraterrestrial civilizations and the opportunities presented by our new
transparency policies.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Sep 11th - Fri at 6:00 PM
DAVID CROW: Floracopeia - Botanical Medicine, Essential Oils and Aromatic
Potluck dinner followed by a presentation by one of the leading experts on
the fields of medicinal plants, natural health and ecological
Location: The Lubs Residence: 61 Los Cerros Place, Walnut Creek, CA 94598

2009 Sep 15th - Tue at 6:00 PM
JUSTINE WILLIS TOMS - Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World
Potluck dinner and presentation by the co-founder and producer of New
Dimensions Radio and Media, a World Broadcasting Network of new paradigm
thinking since the 1970’s. Justine will be introducing her new book, Small
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Sep 22nd - Tue at 6:00 PM
GEORGE LoBUONO: The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials
Potluck dinner, presentation and discussion with one of our most committed
investigative reporters on the state of mind and level of consciousness of
the different alien races many experiencers - including George himself -
report visiting us now.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Oct 8th - Thu at 6:00 PM
MADALYN SUOZZO: Original Sex. What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden?
Potluck dinner followed by a provocative presentation that weaves modern
understanding with ancient evidence to finally understand the original sin
and allow us to grow to a new level of consciousness.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

2009 Oct 27th - Tue at 6:00 PM
RICHARD BROOKS: Beyond Social Entrepreneurship: The Connections of Kindness
and Action for Our Common Good
Potluck dinner and presentation by the Chair of Sarvodaya, USA, which
supports Sri Lanka's grassroots movement in thousands of villages, will
share with us the integrated approach to grow our sense of community
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. -
Petaluma, CA 94955

* * *


Our Dinner/Lectures offer 3 payment options: FREE, $20 or $40.
- FREE when you bring a large dish to share AND login to RSVP giving 20
Thankyous (see below),
- $20 per person if you do only one of the above (the dish OR the 20Ts), or
- $40 if you show up with no dish and gave no Thankyous.

Any money collected at the event benefits a charity of the speaker's choice
and the Thankyous you give acknowledge those that made the event possible.

Thankyous or Ts are a self-imposed reminder to pay forward for the discounts
or favors received. Accounting of Ts is transparent and web based. Ts are
non redeemable and have no commercial value. Ts are a community currency
started by Friendly Favors to objectively account for generosity and
goodwill. First time users wishing to use Ts may receive their Login by
going to www.favors.org and clicking on Register.

Friendly Favors' purpose is to help connect those who envision a world that
works for all.

* * * * *

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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