[p2p-research] Fwd: August News from PM Press

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 11:08:20 CEST 2009

Hi Kevin,

below, looks like the kind of book that should be reviewed by us,

feel free to ask a review copy in our p2p-f name,


*For All the People
**Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and
Communalism in America*
John Curl
PB | ISBN: 9781604860726 | $28.95

Seeking to reclaim a history that has remained largely ignored by most
historians, this dramatic and stirring account examines each of the
definitive American cooperative movements for social change--farmer, union,
consumer, and communalist--that have been all but erased from collective

"It is indeed inspiring, in the face of all the misguided praise of 'the
market', to be reminded by John Curl's new book of the noble history of
cooperative work in the United States."
--Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PM Press <craig at pmpress.org>
Date: Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 12:03 AM
Subject: August News from PM Press
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
          *  New Releases/Events/News
* * August 2009

[image: PM Drooker
August News at  PM Press
In addition to John Curl's long-awaited book on worker cooperatives and the
story of legendary anarchist punk band Crass, this month  brings us a new
YouTube channel, articles, interviews, and new blogs from PM writers. We've
got more author appearances and tabling events where you can come by and say
"hello."  We can't list everything in one email, but click on the relevant
images for more info or check it all out
 [image: FATP cover]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yqaPB7zVjFcUqpDt2h5SOQYb6KqoF8QEXY6SDuZ1bu9q00trsSQ1vRSQOf3vVnRsZDpAMeDTshjJzsYzabqALZd9y_Ny92vT_EqdJ5WBG64Yd6i_Zk3FqmvDoStuQVqJyicIXvup5l7iJKGd-PoS9HQJYzlr9CUHHY=>
*For All the People
**Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and
Communalism in America*
John Curl
PB | ISBN: 9781604860726 | $28.95

Seeking to reclaim a history that has remained largely ignored by most
historians, this dramatic and stirring account examines each of the
definitive American cooperative movements for social change--farmer, union,
consumer, and communalist--that have been all but erased from collective

"It is indeed inspiring, in the face of all the misguided praise of 'the
market', to be reminded by John Curl's new book of the noble history of
cooperative work in the United States."
--Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States

 [image: Crass cover]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yor1Ab5KQ3yW5dFoc-0ePHEwg6PrjJGAbhtzmdyWaHNoP0YAatZqIGY7CXLhTpED9HLOUvRuX4kKFJKcS1BQxM8flwoLQCruIqUDW55RiItHcVT5e-SFlQ5MUT0jkISJc4ZYnHpxKF6ZS2ii45qaM6M9QDbUuI7QjI=>
*The Story of Crass*
George Berger
PB | ISBN: 9781604860375 | $20.00

When punk ruled the waves, Crass waived the rules and took it further,
putting out their own records, films and magazines and setting up a series
of situationist pranks that were dutifully covered by the world's press. Not
just another iconoclastic band, Crass was a musical, social and political

"Crass sowed the ground for the return of serious anarchism in the early
eighties." --Jon Savage, England's Dreaming

 [image: ljervis]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yrZl-d680j5OsA0iuEoiKK7_KmLhH1B3GAfpFdcy6gphjWpbHfxMORoZjbnUDGK8NL7IuF2tBjj-fQ72bJT85yVIwamN5WRR2zhWNUSKVGEPaB_TZZQLFoj>
Press YouTube Channel
We've assembled an impressive collection of 60 PM-related videos on our new
YouTube Channel. Author interviews and talks, music, film trailers and more
(click on "Favorites" to see them all). Feel free to suggest new videos and
let us know what you think.

As with many PM-related activities, this project is organized by our
fantastic volunteers. If you have a great idea or can lend a hand to help
with similar initiatives, please let us know.
 [image: PMcatcoverfrt]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9ype7pQMz0VEJXzetenjjzoGp0trJyuTjSI2R_39yHtWqhMHVdu9AeTvP6_o4bhF3LLGDC1ooK7lkrhfbJoPXP-lFfPh2BVfWi7VY1EeONgsP2rzt6mwM2Jtg2uTti_YtkAUvJ5PA1K9lJrVvUu6ZHn9xhAL_MKOdGQ=>
Press Catalog
We now have free print copies available of our full catalog.  So take a
look, and start working on your wish lists now.... Better yet, become a
Friend of PM and have everything new in print delivered directly to your
door for as little as $25 a month.

Full color, 48 pages, available for free PDF download online
request a free print copy
yourself or multiple copies to distribute at your workplace,
cafe, school, or gigs.
  *Recent Reviews/News
*  [image: RAF cover]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yp_QccMUZaL9Le5B32OD9btKKHxkt-W9gd3op-0-5bq6DgfQWV47jcF3mNKw3vl2zWWlJOCOGXv4DpOZ1DPWtKQvI3E-9NOStyK9FD9Vn-8zPF2IjmMDgpJPKuDLj3jKtl_aHxWotbKlIMLd56UB6-RM1n4hfVh8ro-I3tk0Ls4NA==>
*RAF interviews, RAF film, and RAF T-shirts
* André Moncourt and J. Smith, editors of The Red Army Faction: A
Documentary History are interviewed in the German journal
, the Swedish website
and in English on the German

There is also a new film opening nationwide called The Baader Meinhof
We are working with the film distributors to make available posters,
postcards, T-shirts and tickets to local bookstores interested in helping
promote the book and film together. For lucky individuals, we're giving away
stylish RAF T-shirts to the first 6 people who buy the book from our PM
Press website. Available while they last and sizes may be limited!
 [image: cookfood
*Cook Food in East Bay Express
By Rachel Swan
* Petite, freckled, and tattooed, (Lisa Jervis) is a born advice columnist,
capable of licking any hack chef into shape. She dispenses instructions on
organizing your cabinets and spice rack, sautéing onions, stemming greens,
and the importance of salting early. She's the officious friend who walks
into your kitchen, takes stock of your seasonings, and shakes her head when
she peeps in your refrigerator, then takes it upon herself to overhaul your
whole setup. Definitely a foodie, if not a chef de haute cuisine, Jervis
represents the next wave of self-made chef personalities. (Michael Pollan
called them "the children of Julia" in a recent Fresh Air interview). Read
the rest of the article

 [image: wobandzap
*Wobblies and Zapatistas on Political Media Review
By Deric Shannon
* Throughout its pages, this book is about drawing those common threads
together from the best of anarchism and Marxism. In a time of global
economic depression, with factory and school occupations all over the world,
as well as radical movements in as disparate places as Greece and Iran
having pitched battles in the streets with the state, it is incumbent on us
Leftists to work together. There is radical potential in the world right
now--potential that need not be wasted over theoretical quibbles. This book
is a good start in creating commonalities in practice along the radical
Left--and at just the right historical juncture. Read the rest of the review

 [image: ljervis]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yonG8cahCnyLBtZoQw-R1zNZHOfLCLi_5I4fo5VmLn5fTfFqO8RVmwvDj_VSelbcMhAEthYwosV0Eaoo44wADVR9bijpo7PK-v6rloz00DXVou7-OJTZwzQQuZQbFGJX_OADDlhJGCOYUCGUdEE2r9TPM6nI2OJ1BU=>
*Resistance Behind Bars on Alternet
By Hans Bennett
* The central thesis of Resistance Behind Bars is truly profound. In clear,
non-academic language, Law argues that recent scholarship documenting and
radically criticizing the increased incarceration rates and mistreatment of
women prisoners "largely ignores what the women themselves do to change or
protest these circumstances, thus reinforcing the belief that incarcerated
women do not organize." Read the full article

Victoria Law on GRIT TV
Vikki Law recently participated in a round table discussion on The Prison
Crisis for GRIT TV. Watch the episode

 [image: ljervis]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yq5OqkyhE17RDQWZxlhDJ-0wivIghoaSrOWojAsXwYq-xTFULlClJ-gYN5VneXZavX37X2HELoBf1pdgFHZtBSNJ4vs7RMUQ3-2tMCm9gU2d3nYg5sCZ0fvWktPj_xg1NIcbUd2XPWjv7C15NQt7QaGu-Oy8GvhEdk=>
*The Vegetarian Myth reviewed on Feminist Review
By Olupero R. Aiyenimelo
* What I thought would be a book filled with disgruntled accounts of a
has-been vegetarian justifying the excuse to pig out on double cheeseburgers
again, was actually a well-researched, statistically-sound discussion of
agriculture and its effects on land, society, animals, and the relationship
between all three. For those who insist on one way versus another, The
Vegetarian Myth presents us with enough information to wisely weigh whatever
we choose to put on our plate. Read the rest of the review
 [image: a3dvd]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9ypNUGQEe90uy0OdEAjO8D3_0G-mcqo6khN_lf-wDCvLfSng_CvX9g1PhwFZa4NOpKnWvAiDnrrpdwS1l8MqH1N0HSzxVGOPof0sU2plvE59dg5eQkZN1fIA2UZW8BBcRLczRrxuY99d8Dj1O2ouO1_D0ChhIA42oY1yoKNFswvxgA==>
*Launching of Angola 3 News Website
*We are excited to announce the launching of the Angola 3
of websites. The story of the Angola 3 has recently been spotlighted
by NBC Nightly News, Huffington Post, Alternet, Mother Jones, and National
Public Radio. Several new art projects and exhibits focusing on the Angola 3
have also been in the news. The New York Times, Newsweek, and others have
reported on The House That Herman Built. The new exhibit The Deeper They
Bury Me, The Louder My Voice Becomes is currently featured at The New Museum
in New York City. The new play titled Angola 3 will premier at Loyola
University on September 18. A few days later, Sept. 23-25, Robert King will
be touring Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC with his new
autobiography From
the Bottom of the Heap: The Autobiography of Robert Hillary

 *Upcoming Events
*  [image: powertopeaceful]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yoTkw966EDdOCUyFFsVhRmqev98Cqj_RNYSf4fS0uFdy2yNiq7SOBujmuJ4gMjXE01r4Qfpo8rryi9dxnYm5dcKUuZsutm3cE6pm0nUhFvF_dDn07cPpHru9JXrBZ4WQ4g=>
*Power to the Peaceful, San Francisco Sept. 12*
Join PM Press and over 70,000 attendees, 200 exhibitors, vendors,
international musicians, DJs, athletes, artists and speakers in Speedway
Meadow in Golden Gate Park. Click
more info.

 [image: vicabkfair]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yriEkxFYBChayzTPTIPVUd0unB7pBsPzJON5rbCKnBMHHH-uddVbQ4w4q1PWRuPym6rAqDtlJfWGXjD29fAWDOupKmFoANnfKM8XC-aqhwRdPxqfdrD03zChGQHHk7-tb8=>
*Victoria (BC) Anarchist Bookfair Sept. 12-13 *
The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from
all over North America and beyond. We seek to introduce anarchism to the
public, to further elaborate upon current and historical anarchist ideals
and to foster dialogue between various anarchist tendencies. Click
more info.

 [image: brkbkfair]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9yraKLClzBmKMMEM4xtHhle0t9lUK_5kou4zPnb0LRC_pdOEDje6Ov5E_p5-1FFAw2LEkkGzNBHtkgWYtLIYZAE20UeeGG0Ra_Haa2cciYpaWyLzVJWgbaV4>
*Brooklyn Book Festival Sept. 13*
Join PM Press at Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza for a day of books and
entertainment. Come meet artist Peter Kuper and be one of the first to see
his Diario de Oaxaca: A Sketchbook Journal of Two Years in
For more info click
 For more events click

  * Join the Friends of PM
*  [image: fopmcover]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9ypaOtqC3xeaSHQFZAARKx-GyQH8-eFnIgSV6anCf2BkDRZQCdjJv8k8pA9LJLioq6ppVaqjZ0ZC0_19vFfgAKWPE9CS0gHJzSzUXUgrRBB8P3o8d0f550T2AvshD5E7YI-ff_RBS1L5duD7Po5JajgYpKwrvQEY8gI=>
 Friends of PM allows you to directly help impact, amplify, and revitalize
the discourse and actions of radical writers, filmmakers, and artists. It
provides us with a stable foundation from which we can build upon our early
successes and provides a much-needed subsidy for the materials that can't
necessarily pay their own way.

To join the Friends of PM click
 *PM Press | PO Box 23912 | Oakland, CA 94623 | 510-658-3906
| info at pmpress.org*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102682700512&s=3362&e=0015wQNYOsa9ypWujwNsQnJH-ALz5wgTOdEKCYL3eeSLL2UAkwzww-fJMJoB42WePS6v96EoeW8yfM5z8XhEEd59hfU9o3oKjHliByu2PsGFAqxmbMLKiOVS4u8HIv6Xdoq>
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