[p2p-research] Workshop on Media Ecologies: Q&A: Sam Rose

Nathan Cravens knuggy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 03:40:37 CEST 2009

I assume Smári's research in presenting Industry 2.0 will cover these topics
in full--as much as one presentation can possibly. I suspect between the
cognitive capacities of Smári, Sam, and Paul F. the vital infrastructural
aspects would be well represented, discussed, for further integrated
development. I mention these names as not to suggest anyone's views would be
less comprehensive, but because I know theirs to be so in my view.

This is the present draft I presented; written before the conversation went
in this direction here; for Michel and Phoebe to final filter:

 Media Ecologies: Workshops on Collaborative Platforms, Social & Material
*Panel Questions*

What are the best known solutions or resources to solve the issue of...?

   - Water
   - Food
   - Energy
   - Housing
   - Transport & Distribution
   - Urban and Suburban Regeneration

Now that we've determined the solutions or resources to place our attention,
what standards can we come to consensus on? (This may include agreeing on
more than one standard per category.)

How will we manage and distribute resources as they become increasingly
common property, unable to use mechanisms of exchange trade such as wage
labor, barter, or currency?

   - Life must be a right. Therefore, the inability to 'earn' a living must
   not prevent anyone from living a comfortable life, as our moral duty ensures
   everyone, at minimum: access to neutral Internet, the ability to personally
   create or possess more than adequate water, food, housing, and protective
   clothing with the means to sustain them in a way that nurtures planetary
   ecologies and human sincerity.


I hope we make a variety of contacts to nurture during and after this
workshop to plan for the week long conference to come; which will discuss
what areas our developer network has created and used in practice: how areas
were integrated with the projects (and related networks) presented at the
workshop and the variety of others areas to secure these various

For those not immersed in this topic area for years as many of us have, it
will be easy to get lost, and I suspect much of what is said will be
difficult to translate in such a short amount of time. So long as we keep
the interest in our neighbor's projects before and after the workshop and
conferences to come, we'll no doubt make lots of mistakes and
misinterpretations, but since I can already see clearly enough the outcome
of these events from the personal discussions and from the talks at p2p
research and the open manufacturing community, I believe we'll make it just

I would be overly optimistic were it not for my recent run-in with the
authorities at the university campus (known as Stephen F. Austin State
University) I befriended this past year or to do out-of-enrollment study.
This activity has finally caught up with me, as I was given a criminal
trespass warning for occupying the music building, enjoying the gifts of its
air conditioning and wifi. I was accused of "setting up residence" and
"lying about being a student" because as I was told 'I know what being a
student means' after occupying that space on the second night, from the
officer's perspective and that officer and sargent's consensus view. After
asking, I was told even if I were a student, I would be asked to leave that
space at night. (Although I doubt that would have been true in practice) So
now I'm unable to enter this campus without proving my case for the chief of
police to revoke my occupational impermissibility. I've had chats with the
philosophers at the university when I first arrived, with some
disappointment as they seem or act too busy to discuss anything, and I got
to know a librarian rather well. . . So I'll ask if these folk can help me
at all.

I'm open to going elsewhere that might better appreciate what I'm doing. I'd
imagine that its probably a struggle enough caring for yourselves. . .

Just when I've become comfortable being perceived as scum in this world. . .
someone with a badge decided to act on it. . .

I apologize for not appropriately separating my personal experiences from
creating an integrated collaborative platform. I only hope such a personal
story can relate to your own similar incidents and further express the
drives that fuel our works.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Sam,
> where can I find a nice overview summary of the basic needs that need to be
> covered by a p2p infrastructure,
> I'd love to have this, and work on some illustrations to show what kind of
> community-enterpreneurial-funding coalitions would be necessary to carry it
> out. I feel this mapping and call for enterpreneurial coalitions may well be
> the next focus of the p2p foundation,
> Michel
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>wrote:
>> >
>> > Right, we might say that the paper folding is stored so other folk or
>> bots
>> > might fold the paper in that same configuration later on.
>> > You may not have paper and want to make it yourself? Okay, there's your
>> > representation, here's where the materials are located. No bots in the
>> area?
>> > No problem, all of this is in walking distance, and other folk may be
>> > interested in your project to help place those needed items closer to
>> your
>> > location.
>> >>
>> Nathan, I am sorry to tell you that I personally have little interest
>> in investing the amount of time that I know it will take to create and
>> execute the paper folding bot in 3D room demonstration that you are
>> suggesting here.
>> I am personally much more interested in putting time like that into
>> practical applications that can help people, like developing
>> automation systems for aquaponics and hydropnics, creating protocols
>> for open source software systems that people are currently using to
>> talk to each other, creating mobile food processing units for use in
>> local food systems, things like that.
>> The idea is cool, but not something that I am interested in investing
>> time into. In the end, we'd have a robot that can fold paper :-)
>> >
>> > How 'bout EMC? Fenn forwarded this info to the OM list.
>> > http://wiki.openkollab.com/wagn/Enhanced_Machine_Controller_EMC
>> >
>> I use EMC2 http://www.linuxcnc.org/content/view/2/4/lang,en/ I agree
>> it is great!
>> >>
>> >> Although, it seems like it would be easier to just use telesurgery
>> >> robots and cameras if you want to do remote folding! I guess it
>> >> depends on what the real goal is here.
>> >
>> > The goal is to do anything remotely!
>> >
>> Our goal here is to first help people address the basic needs for
>> energy, food, shelter, and general physiological and psychological
>> survival using open source software and technology. Retorifitting
>> existing urban infrastructure, putting vacant land and buildings to
>> use, localizing food production, that sort of thing. I frankly way too
>> busy with that work to rise the challenge of the remote paper folding
>> robot.
>> >>
>> >> A more practically immediately implementable example, IMO,  of what
>> >> FLOWS and open standards can do with regard to flexible fabrication
>> >> would be to allow people to store and serve multiple parts of a
>> >> "package" of CAD files, bill of materials, parametrics data, and any
>> >> other relative data about a technology, or the technologies needed to
>> >> make that technology, in a distrbuted way (like on multiple servers).
>> >
>> > I hope Zach (cc'd) you might have something to say on this with his work
>> in
>> > CAD repositories (Thingiverse) and distributed manufacturing. You're
>> coming
>> > to the workshop, right? ;)
>> Yes, coming to the workshop for sure.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> These packages could still be maintained by a specific project or
>> >> person. That project or person would really do the job of "vetting"
>> >> the contents of that package so that other people reasonably know they
>> >> can trust it.
>> >
>> > It would be best if this aspect were automated, via rates of selection,
>> 'do
>> > you like?' input requests, or some other automated selection criteriori.
>> >
>> Well, think of it this way, you could make a standard way to represent
>> a package, and then you could make unlimited applications that add in
>> functionality like question asking (just as there are multiple
>> applications that work with debian package management system). I would
>> not put this extra functionality into a package management system
>> itself, though.
>> >>
>> >> But, the same files could live in many, many packages,
>> >> each maintained by a specific maintainer. FLOWS gives a standard way
>> >> of letting a system know that your files or data are part of a package
>> >> (or to submit for inclusion in a package). Now, you can park your
>> >> design files *anywhere*, yet they can still be part of a package.
>> >
>> > Yes. Redudancy where it counts, just in case a server or two
>> crashes--the
>> > mesh gots you covered.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Another practical immediate example is that you could export certain
>> >> contents of those files to be repackaged as a PDF, and even create a
>> >> print on demand book from that collection of files. You could actually
>> >> export a collection of files in any way that is possible through
>> >> existing open source libraries. A FLOWS based component could also
>> >> send out all kinds of meta data about the packages. Who is accessing
>> >> them, multiple materials sources for what the package is made of, etc
>> >
>> > Sounds as if that would be a practical implement you can charge these
>> > proprietarians for royally so as to put the reserve notes to better use:
>> > meaning: less. ;)
>> >
>> > Nathan
>> --
>> --
>> Sam Rose
>> Social Synergy
>> Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
>> Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
>> skype: samuelrose
>> email: samuel.rose at gmail.com
>> http://socialsynergyweb.com
>> http://socialsynergyweb.org/culturing
>> http://flowsbook.panarchy.com/
>> http://socialmediaclassroom.com
>> http://localfoodsystems.org
>> http://notanemployee.net
>> http://communitywiki.org
>> "The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human
>> ambition." - Carl Sagan
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> --
> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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