[p2p-research] About the concept of holoptism etc.

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 11:50:27 CEST 2009

Hi Juhana,

I found this old email to which I did not respond, sorry for that.

Are you aware of the seminar that Athina is organizing with me in Hull,
where your topic would be most appropriate? see

your questions below are a little too complex for a short answer, but we can
always skype about it?

This text would be a must read on the topic, see

and have you seen mark pesce's the tower and the cloud text?,

are you familiar with the integral AQAL framework, that I would use, if I
had time, to respond to your query in detail ... in short; there are 4
levels subjective, intersubjective (culture), objective (technology),
interobjective (systems), where this conflict plays out

are you familiar with bioteaming (ken thompson),

mark elliot's stigmergic collaboration, http://p2pfoundation.net/Stigmergy

I think that Tom Rawlings and Bas Reus, are either interested, or working on
the topic.

all the people mentioned above are in cc,

Perhaps you could post this query at Ning, http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/,
or on the p2p research list, where we could start a dialogue on it?

I found the first reference to holoptism, in a report on collective
intelligence by jean-francois noubel, see http://p2pfoundation.net/Holoptism


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Juhana Kokkonen
<juhana.kokkonen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Michel,
> it was a honour to meet you yesterday in Medialab Helsinki. I was the guy
> who asked the origin of the concept of the "holoptism" and I thought that it
> would be easier to ask the writer and the book/article by email. So who was
> it and what was the text? ;)
> ***
> Unfortunately the meeting was so short that I didn't get the chance to
> answer you about the swarm-like structures vs. strong (normal) social
> networks. So if you have some day time to discuss about this subject with
> me, I would be very pleased.
> So: of course I don't expect that normal connections or social relations
> vanishes > the idea is more like that there will be one layer more in
> collaboration and/or communication. I see the concept of swarm-like
> structures a new way to find interesting people to collaborate and a light
> way to make border crossing between different institutions and social
> networks.
> I also started to think after meeting you the conflict between "traditional
> organizations" and "transparent swarms" (or holoptic activity or something
> like that). I see this as a essential problem in my organizational change
> process.
>   - What are the causes for this conflict from your viewpoint?
>   - And do you see, what kind of actions could solve this conflict?
> Is conflict between control and drifting? Power? Habits? Mental models? Ok,
> there is too much questions, but I appreciate if you can give some kind of
> opinion from your point of view ;)
> Yours,
> Juhana Kokkonen

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