[p2p-research] Fwd: State of the World Forum - Belo Horizonte - Achievements and Outcomes for Brazil

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 17:28:39 CEST 2009

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From: State of the World Forum <info at worldforum.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Subject: State of the World Forum - Belo Horizonte - Achievements and
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com



*AUGUST 4 – 7, 2009*


*The Belo Horizonte Forum launched the global 2020 Climate Leadership
Campaign and the Brazil 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign*.  Over 250
specialists from 20 countries and around Brazil came together and developed
the basis of the 2020 campaigns, establishing the general areas of work and

• Our *mission* is to catalyze climate leadership everywhere so that people
and institutions are empowered to take personal and institutional
responsibility to stop global warming.
• Our *goal* is to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2020 and establish
sustainable economies and lifestyles.
• Our *assurance* to all those adopting the 2020 timeline is that success an
be achieved using existing technologies and that climate leadership will
catalyze savings, jobs, opportunities and innovations.
• Our *commitment* is to provide *Rapid Response Teams* of specialists to
support any city, state or institution joining the 2020 campaign to ensure
that climate leadership generates climate prosperity.

*The conference began an on line community via Gaiasoft that will allow
ongoing sharing, collaboration and project development*. The results of the
conference are already on line and the participants will continue working
together online. The online platform will also be made available to people
across Brazil and the world to that are interested in joining the 2020
Climate Leadership Campaign. This collaboration will provide the basis for
discussions at the next Climate Leadership Summit in Washington, DC February
28 – March 3, 2010; and in Rio de Janeiro August 30 – September 3, 2010.

*There is now a new website www.brasil2020.com.br that will serve as the
website for Brazil 2020 campaign. The main site of the global 2020 Climate
Leadership Campaign is www.worldforum.org *

Additionally, there were significant initiatives announced during the Forum
upon which we can now build moving forward:

   1. *Globo TV, the largest media company in Brazil and the fourth largest
   in the world, premiered its national ads on global warming supporting our
   2020 Climate Leadership Campaign*.  This act of climate leadership is
   unprecedented and allows for the first truly national mobilization anywhere
   in the world on global warming. The ads will continue indefinitely into the
   future in support of Brazil 2020 and develop themes related to climate
   leadership. Already we are in touch with media companies elsewhere
   interested to learn from and potentially join Globo in its commitment to
   educate the public on this critical issue.* *
   2. *The Brazilian Ministry of the Environment has agreed to work with the
   2020 Climate Leadership Campaign to develop  national campaigns around
   climate leadership among Brazilian youth and Brazilian cities*.  This is
   unprecedented and marks the first time anywhere in the world that a federal
   ministry has committed to a national mobilization among critical
   constituencies on global warming.
   3. *Governor Aecio Neves announced Minas 2020*, making Minas Gerais the
   first state in Brazil, indeed the first state anywhere in the world, to
   commit to reducing carbon emissions by 80% by 2020.  He has allocated R$ 6
   million ($3 million) to a specially convened scientific panel to begin 2020
   planning.  Minas is the first state in Brazil to have already completed its
   carbon footprint.
   4. *Mayor Beto Richa of Curitiba announced Curitiba 2020 and plans to
   convene a Climate Prosperity Summit in 2010*. Curitiba is the first city
   in Brazil to join the campaign. The Climate Prosperity Summit will be
   developed with the Federation of Industries/Parana. Curitiba is considered
   the leading environmental city in Brazil.
   5. *Mayor Cesar Epitacio Maia of Rio de Janeiro has agreed that Rio de
   Janeiro will join the 2020 Campaign* and will be making an official
   announcement in the next two months.
   6. *The University of Experience (UEXP), based in Curitiba, launched the
   Brazil 2020 Youth Campaign. *This campaign is linking with international
   youth groups and will provide training programs for youth across Brazil.
   7. *We have set up a 2020 Climate Leadership Fund to provide seed money
   to catalyze 2020 campaigns and to catalyze specific projects and to
develop Rapid
   Response Teams comprised of specialists ready to support any city or
   state anywhere that joins our 2020 campaign*. These Rapid Response Teams,
   developed in partnership with the Climate Prosperity Project, Earth Policy
   Institute, and various Brazilian groups, will be comprised of both
   international and local specialists and will work with cities, states and
   institutions joining the 2020 campaign to complete carbon emissions
   assessments, plan 2020 strategies and timelines, and work with local leaders
   to implement the 2020 goals.
   8. *Climate Leadership Training programs* are being developed in
   partnership with Integral Life and others to provide a spectrum of climate
   leadership training programs to local activists, business executives and
   political leaders.
   9. *2020 Campaigns are now also being developed in Australia, Mexico, the
   Netherlands, and South Africa.*

It is these achievements and outcomes that allow us to move forward with
confidence to our next 2020 Climate Leadership Summit in Washington, DC
February 28 – March 3, 2010; and then onward to Rio de Janeiro August 30 –
September 3, 2010.  The focus of the Washington Summit will be to build on
the achievements of Belo Horizonte and demonstrate that the 2020 goal is
practicable, achievable, scalable, and leads to prosperity.

You can join this campaign. Join us in Washington February 28 – March 3,

Together we can do this, register

Warm Regards,

*Jim Garrison*
State of the World Forum <http://www.worldforum.org/>
Wisdom University <http://www.wisdomuniversity.org/>

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