[p2p-research] While we 'were' on the subject of games...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 09:45:44 CEST 2009

Hi Matt,

feel free to announce this on our ning blog, or even the regular one,


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Matt Boggs <matt at digiblade.com> wrote:

> Eclipse Phase is a pen & paper RPG launching at Gen Con. It's a
> transhuman/singularity near future milieu with horror & conspiracy elements
> added for mood. I love the quote ‘money is for people who don’t know how to
> take care of themselves’.
> - Reputation Economies. In designing the game's material culture, we threw
> out the idea of money as a major motivator for characters ("Money is for
> people who don't know how to take care of themselves"), instead focusing on
> how characters network to get things they need. There are corporate
> interests in the setting trying to keep money alive, but we don't portray
> this in a good light. We really want to see someone try doing this in a
> massmorg, and we're hoping our game spreads the idea around. Reason: massive
> simulations of new economic systems in environments like massmorgs may well
> be predictive of how they'd work in real life.
> - Weird shit. Players can choose to portray a giant transgenic crab with a
> cyberbrain run by a red market AGI if they're feeling it.
> - Wide synthesis of other transhuman SF concepts. Microfacturing, open
> source blueprints for same, personality uploading (leading to virtual
> immortality), and a lot of other stuff you'd see in works by Stross,
> Reynolds.
> - Creative Commons. The game is being released under a CC license.
> Link: http://www.eclipsephase.com/
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