[p2p-research] draft CFP Inaugural IP2PRG - please contribute amendments

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 09:30:51 CEST 2009

brilliant Athina, the concept is very well describe, and thanks so much for
pulling this off,


Thanks also to our previous pioneers,

Philippe for the first ever informal meeting in Louvain

Andreas for the super well done first formal academic conference last time,

the difference: now it's the beginning of a series,


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Athina Karatzogianni <athina.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Gabriella, Michel, Matthew and George
> First to introduce you to George Michaelides, open source researcher at
> Nottingham Trent who has volunteered his help organizing the conference.
> Majid Yar is a professor in sociology here and will participate in
> consulting and reviewing. I have created an initial draft cfp, and please
> feel free to add or amend and tell me what you all think. A p2p process!!
> see below
> Hello,
> We would be grateful if you could forward this call for papers to your
> school or department. A pdf with further details is attached (to be added
> later).
> With best wishes from Hull,
> The organising team
> (Athina Karatzogianni, Michel Bauwens, Majid Yar, George Michaelides)
> *********************
> *
> The Inaugural Conference of the Internet and P2P Research Group (IP2PRG) at
> the University of Hull
> P2P at Hull 2010 Developing the Virtual Society: Conflict in Adoption of P2P
> Networks*
> 26-28 March
> Keynote speakers:
> Gabriella Coleman, author of Coding Freedom: Hacker Pleasure and the Ethics
> of Free and Open Source Software
> [Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU]
> http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/faculty_bios/view/Gabriella_Coleman
> Mathieu O’Neill, author of Cyberchiefs. Autonomy and Authority in Online
> Tribes
> [Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV]
> http://adsri.anu.edu.au/people/visitors/mathieu.php
> Public Keynote: TBA
> Our plenary theme is ‘Developing the Virtual Society: Conflict in Adoption
> of P2P Networks’. As virtual society develops and peer technologies pump in
> its heart, this conference brings together academics of all disciplines to
> discuss conflict in the adoption of P2P networks. This is a time of
> confrontation between older forms of communication and organization and new
> ways of sharing, collaborating and acting collectively. We seek to explore
> the conflictual/adaptational tension between hierarchical institutions and
> p2p and the issues arising by adopting p2p in various movements and
> organizations. We welcome suggestions for panels and papers on any area
> relating to our theme, and particularly in the following areas:
> •    P2P Network Theory
> •    P2P and FLOSS adoption
> •    Open source conflicts and forking
> •    Adoption by NGOs and the developing world
> •    Adoption by social movements, hacktivism, cyberconflict
> •    Filesharing conflicts
> •    Licensing Caveats
> With your abstract of no more than 300 words please include the following
> information:
> Name, postal address, email
> Institutional affiliation and position (if applicable)
> Please send abstracts in Word or pdf format to the organisers at
> athina.k at gmail.com
> Provisional Deadline for abstracts: 15th January 2010
> For more details please consult our website: [to be added]

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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