[p2p-research] tale of a stolen computer

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 13:46:51 CEST 2009

Fundable let's you see how much money has been donated and by how many
people. It's P2P in that sense. Paypal-ing direct from each donor to Michel
does not give us an idea of how many unless Michel announces it and then
it's lost in many response threads.

Is that worth 10%? Hell no. But is the $22 worth the cost of this
transparent, collective funding experiment? IMO, yes, which is why I'd like
to see if it works. If it does work, the next thing would be to issue a call
to see who is interested in co-funding the rapid prototyping of a Fundable
clone. I'm interested.

I would encourage anyone interested in seeing this collective funding
experiment work to donate thru the Fundable link.

I'll cover the 10% or any gap by the end of the period and make sure the
fund is closed successfully...

If anyone would like to donate directly to Michel that's just as good.

The idea with fund raising is not to hit the target but exceed it, so you're
encouraged to donate directly to Michel via PayPal if you don't like to use

But if the Fundable experiment works then we have ground for starting
another experiment to clone Fundable itself and offer the same service for
1% of less in fees, or no fees at all if possible, i.e. liberate the idea
behind Fundable from the shackles of the capitalist paradigm. But first we
have to see it work!


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Christian Siefkes <christian at siefkes.net>wrote:

> marc fawzi wrote:
> > We've made the decision to try this route and we'll bite the cost this
> > time, but you're very encouraged to PayPal Michel directly if you can't
> > justify the Fundable model.
> Michel, if you give me your Paypad details I'll donate a (small -- don't
> have a regular income at the moment) amount directly.
> Hervé Le Crosnier wrote:
> >       Though I totally agree with Christian, i have
> >       contribute on fundable, because I think nothing
> >       will be up in a few days....
> Everybody who has a Paypal account or credit card can pay through Fundable,
> and everybody who has a credit card can pay through Paypal, so I don't see
> what is the advantage of Fundable in this case.
> If some people prefer Fundable over Paypal for whatever reasons, we could
> first make a public call for Paypal donations and then start a new Fundable
> collection for the rest. If we get 120$ through Paypal and 120$ through
> Fundable, we have already reduced the fee by half.
> As I understand it, Fundable collections that don't close successfully
> don't
> cost anything, so we could just tear down the current one and open up a
> new,
> smaller one, without any problems.
> Best regards
>        Christian
> --
> |-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net ---------
> |   Homepage: http://www.siefkes.net/   |   Blog: http://www.keimform.de/
> |   Better Bayesian Analysis:           |   Peer Production Everywhere:
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> |------------------------------------------ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
> A process which led from amoeba to man appeared to philosophers to be
> obviously a progress, though whether the amoeba would agree with this
> opinion is not known.
>        -- Bertrand Russell, 1914
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Marc Fawzi
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