[p2p-research] tale of a stolen computer

Christian Siefkes christian at siefkes.net
Thu Apr 30 12:10:10 CEST 2009

Hi marc, Michel, all,

marc fawzi wrote:
> FUNDABLE details for Michel's Netbook
> http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-04-30.4516536303/groupaction_view
> Please click on the link to donate. Minimum set by Fundable to $10.

I would like to contribute, but I think the 10% fee taken off by Fundable is
outrageous. Is there a way to contribute without this absurd surcharge?

Best regards

|-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net ---------
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Copyright law is totally out of date. It is a Gutenberg artifact. Since it
is a reactive process, it will probably have to break down completely
before it is corrected.
        -- Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital

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