[p2p-research] On unschooling

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 04:00:16 CEST 2009

On 4/27/09, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have to agree with Edward's feelings on this. Though I hated school
> myself, I experienced that one of my children did not fit well in an
> alternative and relatively unstructured school environment, and she wanted
> to join a more disciplined learning environment, where she thrived, and she
> was happy in public school all the way to graduation.

Michel, I understand that many people (like your daughter) may prefer
structured learning environments. In some cases I prefer that myself;
when I do so, the teacher or mentor becomes a sort of “hired
consultant” who is working for me, rather than vice versa. But I think
the important point is that your daughter’s preference of structure
over complete self-direction was a choice, and the central motivating
factor was still her own desire to learn rather than being subject to
someone else’s will.

I don’t have a problem at all with structure, as such, any more than I
have a problem deferring to the craft knowledge of a plumber or
electrician whose services I engage. In fact, I often browse through
college course catalogs online and use course syllabi as a guide to
studying subjects.

> I think the debate echoes the old left/right divide, the left assumes that
> people are naturally 'good', full of potential; the right that people are
> naturally enclined to evil, unless strong institutions guide them. Why not
> accept both truths, but above all create a system with broad freedom of
> school, so that unschoolers can unschool, alternative education methods can
> thrive, and those that prefer a disciplined method also have choices, with
> the partner state authorities imposing only a minimal skillset requirement,
> to insure equality of opportunity for all.

I agree.

> Like Edward, I would not trust that every human being would want to
> naturally do the effort of learning, and also that especially those living
> in less privileged social situations, would get larger doses of assistance.

I think we're blurring two different distinctions.  An individual
learner may prefer structure and deferring to someone else's guidance,
and still be the primary agent in choosing to learn.  A case where the
person simply does not want to do the effort of learning at all is an
entirely different thing, and I have to wonder how constructive their
learning experience can be (at least beyond the bare essentials of
language and math skills), if they're forced to learn against their

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective

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