[p2p-research] The nature of apple trees (was: Re: [ox-en] apples and moonfruits)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 08:42:49 CEST 2009

Hi Ryan,

Please note that Chris', and Stan's approaches, are also presented in our
wiki, via




(stan: any updates?)

concerning Ostrom, here's an interesting ideological critique:

 George Caffentzis’ tale of two Commons (5):

Posted on Friday, March 6th, 2009

We conclude our treatment of:
A Tale of Two Conferences: Globalization, the Crisis of Neoliberalism and
Question of the Commons. By George Caffentzis
George Caffentzis’ essay is a history of the political usage of the concept
of the Commons which distinguishes reformist and radical usage.
For extensive excerpts, see our wiki entry on: Antagonistic Usage of the
Commons [...]

Read the rest of this

Posted in P2P Commons <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-commons>, P2P
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 George Caffentzis’ tale of two Commons (4): the Rise of the Neo-Hardinian

Posted on Thursday, March 5th, 2009

In our earlier treatment of the essay on the two schools of thought and
practice regarding the Commons, George Caffentzis argues that the current
crisis of value induced by the unsustainable requirements of the neoliberal
vision on absolute corporate IP Rights, necessarily demanded a new approach,
which would render the Commons compatible with the current [...]

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Posted in P2P Commons <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-commons>, P2P
Theory <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-theory> | No
Comments »<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/george-caffentzis%e2%80%99-tale-of-two-commons-4-the-rise-of-the-neo-hardinian-scholars/2009/03/05#respond>
 George Caffentzis’ tale of two Commons (3): Is the Commons a anticapitalist

Posted on Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

We continue our treatment of:
George Caffentzis: A Tale of Two Conferences: Globalization, the Crisis of
Neoliberalism and Question of the Commons.
Earlier, we reviewed his description of the revival of the Commons, and how
it is rooted in a long-standing struggle to destroy forms of common
property. Today, the author asks: is the idea [...]

Read the rest of this

Posted in P2P Commons <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-commons>, P2P
Theory <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-theory>, Peer Property
(IP) <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/peer-property-ip> | No Comments
 George Caffentzis’ tale of two Commons (2): The Commons and Primitive

Posted on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Second part of our treatment of an important essay by George Caffentzis.
Today, we cover the issue: What do commons and enclosures have to do with
primitive accumulation?
George Caffentzis:
“Marx’s discussion of the “secret of primitive accumulation” (Chapter 24 of
Capital I) was integrated with the commons/enclosures discourse with the
result that the antiglobalization movement (with its [...]

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Posted in P2P Commons <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-commons>, P2P
Economics <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/p2p-economics>, P2P
Uncategorized <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/category/uncategorized> | No
Comments »<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/george-caffentzis-tale-of-two-commons-2-the-commons-and-primitive-accumulation/2009/03/03#respond>
 George Caffentzis’ tale of two Commons (1): history and

Posted on Monday, March 2nd, 2009

In the next few days we will present an important essay by George Caffentzis
which though written 2004 is still important and very informative.
It’s a review of the antagonistic usages of the concept of the Commons and
why it matters for political struggle.
The author cites Brecht, who said: “it might be necessary to mix wine [...]

Read the rest of this

On 4/26/09, Stan Rhodes <stanleyrhodes at gmail.com> wrote:
> I looked at your booklist (thanks for making it, might check some of
> them out), and have a few perspectives I would recommend exploring:
> 1) Elinor Ostrom and related commons researchers.  If Ostrom had
> something to do with it, it's probably worth getting.  Seminal work is
> Governing the Commons, which covers common-pool resources (rival
> goods).  More recently she has also tackled non-rival goods
> (information commons).
> 2) Gene Sharp and associated nonviolence researchers.  His basic
> theory of power relates to
> monopolizations of power in other realms: all commons.  Monopolizers
> of commons rule by explicit or implicit consent, but peer production
> can (doesn't always, but can) undermine that power.  For a quick
> taste, see http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/pubs/89jpr.html
> For further material, see http://www.aeinstein.org/
> 3) Chris Cook. Most of his presentations run with the same idea of
> open corporates as a legal form of social enterprise, but the
> "approachableness" has been improving:
> http://www.feasta-multimedia.org/
> http://www.slideshare.net/ChrisJCook
> 4) Muhammad Yunus' Creating a World Without Poverty.  Particularly,
> the story of the company Grameen Danone.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_xlYHm_BEs  Evolving social enterprise
> is a path to a new socioeconomic form.  Compare and contrast with
> Cook, they should be very similar.
> 5) The Toyota Way, Liker.  Has been a fad in business for about a
> decade, but the core of standardization with small-but-rigorous
> trial-and-error experimentation is key to better businesses.  This
> scientific method approach to business can also catch some of the
> biases identified by behavioral economics, leading to potentially
> better decision making.
> -- Stan
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Stan and Kevin:
> >
> > All very interesting to me.  Interesting arguments.  I would like to meld
> > some of this thinking into the collaborative principles piece I am
> working
> > on, but I am having a tough time boiling down your complex thoughts into
> > assertions/ideals.
> >
> > It is as now more explanatory than actionable.
> >
> > Any help or pointers on that would be appreciated--even if it is a
> > discouragement to the idea of organizational governance.
> >
> > My own personal action research agenda is trying to futurize evolution of
> > the current system assuming increasing p2p framework impact.  That is, I
> am
> > not trying to explain the past or theorize an ideal, but rather trying to
> > see how things will evolve.
> >
> > Ryan
> >
> > Ryan Lanham
> >
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