[p2p-research] Are e-books likely to disappear, was: Universities Irrelevant by 2020?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Fri Apr 24 07:43:35 CEST 2009

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 00:46:21 AM +0100, Andy Robinson wrote:
> Let's take a few issues one at a time.

Agreed, but then it may be better to go with separate threads. Anyway:

> 1) Are books likely to disappear?
> Personally I'm happy reading ebooks, but I think most people still prefer paper

besides "physical" issues (paper less tiring for the eyes than some
monitors, the feeling of a "real" book) etc... there's another
critical issue with many e-books, even ignoring DRM: proprietary or
otherwise custom formats.

See slide 30 of http://mfioretti.com/how-file-formats-can-be-used-favor-or-hamper-innovation-active-citizenship-and-really-free-markets or http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7975

I can pass my paper books to my children, grandchildren etc... without
any problem. Above all, I can keep reading them even if I change brand
of glasses or bind them into a new cover when the old one breaks. What
happens if you buy an e-book for kindle, sony, etc..., and next year
somebody else makes a much better e-book reader which you want to buy?

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