[p2p-research] Problems with digests. p2presearch Digest, Vol 18, Issue 152

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Apr 23 15:31:03 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 17:20:11 PM +1000, Mathieu O'Neil wrote:

> I subscribed to the 'digest' version of this list but am still
> getting lots of messages every day - see the one below which has
> only one message in it - hardly my definition of a 'digest'?? Is
> there a way to fix this?


this is just a guess: this list is managed with the mailman software,
which has an option, called digest_size_threshold, to "send out
digests when the size has reached a certain threshold, otherwise, the
one digest they receive could be huge" (see

On this list there also are many people who are wonderful guys
(seriously!) but post in HTML, add huge signatures every time and
never trim messages before replying to them. Such a behavior,
especially when they start replying to each other, can make the digest
size reach that threshold more often than expected.

**If** I'm right, what is happening is that these habits are
(regardless of general netiquette) incompatible with the present
configuration of this list, in the sense that digest subscribers
aren't being served as they asked.

The solution is to change either the habits or the mailman settings,
(cfr the URL above). In both cases, you'd better check directly with
the list administrator.

	Marco Fioretti
	Digital rights writings http://mfioretti.com
Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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