[p2p-research] [p2pf] Re: [p2p energy economy] Re-announcement of Wiki-based Project on Collaborative Principles in P2P

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 12:29:24 CEST 2009

I will think about adding input next week, sorry, too busy for now with
4-week backlog,


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> wrote:

> This piece is looking rally great so far!
> Stop by and check it out, and make sure to correct all us contributors.
> This is as much of a round up of our lived experience as anything else I
> can think of, so share away!
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Core_Peer-2-Peer_Collaboration_Principles
> A
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> To those interested in P2P Governance, System Design and/or
>> Administration:
>> I want to re-announce the project on collaborative principles in p2p
>> governance and operations.
>> The project relates indirectly to the partnership Michel Bauwens announced
>> early this April in association with the University of Hull as coordinated
>> by Athina Karatzogianni.  I contended, somewhat cynically, that universities
>> do not know how to associate with p2p ventures, and their institutional
>> mechanics might do more harm than good in such a partnership.
>> Athina and Michel (and others) then suggested, as a precaution, that a
>> draft set of guiding principles be constructed to guide such ventures and
>> others that might entail interactions with p2p organizations.  Michel asked
>> that I try to coordinate this effort since I had been vocal about my
>> concerns. [If any of this mistates the ideas or intentions of principals,
>> please correct as needed]
>> To achieve this, I started with a draft ethos for p2p in general and am
>> moving on to draft interaction principles.  I intend to add a section on
>> best practices soon.  Any other near-term addition ideas would be most
>> welcome.
>> My intent is to build a normative document rather than an administrative
>> charter.  That is, it is meant to guide thinking about running p2p efforts,
>> not to act as a policy sheet or corporate charter for one.  Drafting those
>> would be useful as well in boilerplate form, but that is not the current
>> focus.
>> I have made some personal and perhaps excessively bold assertions in the
>> document.  Please call me on them or change them outright if unsuitable.
>> The effort can always be found by going to the p2p Foundation web site,
>> entering the wiki and then searching for "core principles."
>> The current version is update here:
>> http://p2pfoundation.net/Core_Peer-2-Peer_Collaboration_Principles
>> I strongly encourage (insist really) that this be a collaborative project
>> that de-emphasizes my own role.  I am however committed to coordinate the
>> effort to assure reasonable progress for now.
>> You can put comments on the p2p research list or mail them directly to me
>> at the contacts below.  You can also change the wiki directly if you have an
>> account to do so.
>> Thank you,
>> Ryan Lanham
>> rlanham1963 at gmail.com
>> Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
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> --
> Alex
> I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.- Socrates
>  __._,_.___
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