[p2p-research] Order .. is boring

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Apr 23 11:22:26 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 01:36:05 AM -0700, marc fawzi wrote:

> I think letting employees dedicate 80% of their time to whatever
> they want to do and 20% to the task they sign up for.... would have
> breakthroughs every single day, IMO.
> ...
> It makes sense to me. I'm not sure it makes sense to anyone else.
Sense, it would make sense all right. The question is just how to find
(or offer...) a job where one can show up ONE working day per week AND
still get enough to pay SEVEN days of shelter, food, clothes,

Finding a job as a waiter on saturdays already is pretty easy, the
problem is how to survive only on the kind of salary you're offered in
such cases.

In practice, of course, in really creative, highly qualified jobs it
could certainly be possible, and it would be great. even if I suspect
it would be much more sustainable with a different scheduling: work
like a dog for one month (ie deliver asap), then relax four months,
then back to office... Yes, I would surely sign up for a job
arrangement of this kind if the monthly average income were high
enough to not force me to look for other paid work in the "relax"


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