[p2p-research] The Internet Is Absolute Democracy - Be VeryAfraid!

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Apr 23 11:04:36 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 09:28:30 AM +0100, Wittel, Andreas wrote:

> seems that now the debate moves on to the next stage. from
> ridiculing these claims towards an expression of real fear that this
> democratization could happen indeed.

Michel wrote:
> now they're saying everybody thinks the same on the internet?

I don't really know what to answer because I have the feeling that
both of you either haven't read the whole article or have mixed who
says what.

For example, they (Thompson and Alderman) are not "now saying
everybody thinks the same on the internet". *I* said that, but simply
to share an (absolutely instinctive, unjustified) feeling that this HP
article and other recent threads here are somehow connected.

And (at least) Alderman doesn't invoke Internet control to protect the
unwhashed masses. He doesn't fear democracy, as in "everybody
**actually** using their own brains in the best possible way,
individually, to make real sense of things and build a better
world". Quite the contrary, actually.

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