[p2p-research] One more link re: P2P economics ..

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Apr 23 08:22:50 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 12:16:46 PM +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> thanks especially for the 3 last links,
> I met some Pirate Bay/pyratbyran people last year (now 2 separate
> projects, but not sure it was already the case then), and the last
> thing I would assume is that they were making a lot of money ...

Sorry, but I didn't say they're making a **lot** of money. I said
"define little: I wouldn't be surprised if they made quite more money
than **us**"   :-)

And of course, for all I know, they could have very well donated all
their TPB earnings to some charity, which would be great, but not
relevant to my observation.

> Is there anyone who has seen an extensive discussion of the
> financial side of the project?

I searched for it but didn't find more than what I already posted. I
don't think it's public yet. This would be a good new crusade for
groklaw, wouldn't it? To study and report about all the TPB documents,
I mean.

All I can note is that:

- incorporating in a tax haven (which I'm sure TPB also did for the
  advantage of their users, ie keeping their operations outside of
  EU/RIAA legal reach) also leaves more money in their pockets, by

- still by definition, running a torrent tracker network has bandwidth
  costs much, much lower than those of, say, youtube, because they
  don't host any big file themselves, do they?


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