[p2p-research] Re-announcement of Wiki-based Project on Collaborative Principles in P2P

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 15:47:35 CEST 2009

To those interested in P2P Governance, System Design and/or Administration:

I want to re-announce the project on collaborative principles in p2p
governance and operations.

The project relates indirectly to the partnership Michel Bauwens announced
early this April in association with the University of Hull as coordinated
by Athina Karatzogianni.  I contended, somewhat cynically, that universities
do not know how to associate with p2p ventures, and their institutional
mechanics might do more harm than good in such a partnership.

Athina and Michel (and others) then suggested, as a precaution, that a draft
set of guiding principles be constructed to guide such ventures and others
that might entail interactions with p2p organizations.  Michel asked that I
try to coordinate this effort since I had been vocal about my concerns. [If
any of this mistates the ideas or intentions of principals, please correct
as needed]

To achieve this, I started with a draft ethos for p2p in general and am
moving on to draft interaction principles.  I intend to add a section on
best practices soon.  Any other near-term addition ideas would be most

My intent is to build a normative document rather than an administrative
charter.  That is, it is meant to guide thinking about running p2p efforts,
not to act as a policy sheet or corporate charter for one.  Drafting those
would be useful as well in boilerplate form, but that is not the current

I have made some personal and perhaps excessively bold assertions in the
document.  Please call me on them or change them outright if unsuitable.

The effort can always be found by going to the p2p Foundation web site,
entering the wiki and then searching for "core principles."

The current version is update here:

I strongly encourage (insist really) that this be a collaborative project
that de-emphasizes my own role.  I am however committed to coordinate the
effort to assure reasonable progress for now.

You can put comments on the p2p research list or mail them directly to me at
the contacts below.  You can also change the wiki directly if you have an
account to do so.

Thank you,

Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
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