[p2p-research] [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 00:12:49 CEST 2009


> But no matter where you live, are you saying the costs that Google
> pays are somehow socialized?

google make earnings with publicity, every searcher pay google via
his/her spending


That's not "socialized" per se. That's the forces of artificial scarcity at
work. You bid for keywords!!! how ridiculous is that! So now words are
scarce commodity? Thanks to Google.

Socialized infrastructure means that costs are carried equally by everyone.
The state does not create energy out of thin air; it creates it from the
work of its people. So socialized means we all pay for necessary stuff in
basically equal amount.

Google is a blood sucking, manipulative and innovative capitalist. Please
don't confuse with a socially conscious company.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Diego Saravia <diego.saravia at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/4/21 Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>:
> > Michel Bauwens wrote:
> >> the cost for the generalized infrastructure is socialized and should
> remain so
> >
> > Diego Saravia wrote:
> >> in fact they [physical costs] are socialized, but that is not the point.
> >
> >
> > How can you possibly say these costs are 'socialized'?
> >
> > Maybe you guys live in a country where the fiber-optic cables,
> > phone-lines and satellite communication centers are state owned?
> >
> > Even in that case I wouldn't call it 'socialized' in a positive sense
> I agree with you
> every telco user pays for that
> > - since nearly every current government has been hijacked by
> > Capitalist Corporations for the purpose of increasing scarcity for
> > profit...
> >
> yes
> >
> > But no matter where you live, are you saying the costs that Google
> > pays are somehow socialized?
> google?
> google make earnings with publicity, every searcher pay google via
> his/her spending
> --
> Diego Saravia
> Diego.Saravia at gmail.com
> NO FUNCIONA->dsa at unsa.edu.ar
> _________________________________
> Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
> Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
> Contact: projekt at oekonux.de


Marc Fawzi
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