[p2p-research] Fwd: Project Collaboration: Rehearsal Flash Mob

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 06:09:47 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yvette Dubel <ydubel at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 4:31 PM
Subject: Project Collaboration: Rehearsal Flash Mob
To: ydubel at webantiphon.com

I am sharing this with a few people outside of our Cultural Fusion project
collaboration group, including you :-)
The headings below should help get an understanding based on how you might
be most interested in participating.

I have an idea for positive socially relevant collaborative performance art.
Normally flash mobs gather and clap or show up wearing red hats for x amt of
I am looking to create a more meaningful happening calling this a "Rehearsal
Flash Mob".

The idea- collaborate with artists to pull off this "rehearsal flash mob"
peformance event, help artists market their event, cd, etc; while helping
businesses market their product/service and local social cause organizations
to raise funds and awareness...and engage everyone in this Stone Soup
experiment as a performance piece.

Asking people to contribute their SoulFood:Ingredient to feed their need as
they do a little something to help others..and create a bit of interactive
art in the process.

*There are several ways that someone can participate. These are the roles I
have defined and am inviting people to consider which best suits them.

Artists Organizers:*
What's in it for you? If you have an event, cd, concert, etc you want to
promote I will tweet this info near the date of the event and have you on as
a guest for the radio show and add your video(s) to our channels. If you
provide me with tracks I will play them on the show (before or after event)
and add them to my playlists on lastfm and blip.fm, etc.

Here I'd like to find musicians/artists who will show up to a predetermined
location in their respective communities, help spread word within that and
surrounding communities, select a local social cause to support (food bank,
domestic violence shelter, homeless shelter, etc) and make contact, share
your gift - performance for an amount of time that you specify .

Can you get the benefiting organization to help spread the word to their

Once you get there on the day of the happening - just relax and have fun
doing your thing - presently looking to have event anchored artists that
show up to share.

If you are on Twitter please tweet, use cells to capture photo and video
defining the moment and upload and tweet them with #cfaap tag

Crowd Artists:*
What's in it for you? Hang out and have some fun, do a good deed and
leverage the promotion of the event to promote your enterprise. Call in on
the day of the show, from the event and you can be a guest.

Bring an old cell phone/PDA OR nonperishable food item for foodbank to
donate, help spread word about the "rehearsal flash mob gathering" - if you
are on Twitter please tweet, use cells to capture photo and video defining
the moment and upload them, enjoy the fun and fellowship for as long as you
are inclined. If you are on Twitter please tweet, use cells to capture photo
and video defining the moment and upload and tweet them with #cfaap tag

*Local Businesses/Organizations Collaborators:*
What's in it for you? Cost effectively get people positively talking about
your business/organization, explore ways to use social media in your
marketing, differentiate your enterprise brand and expand your brand
community. For the nonprofit social organization you get to increase
awareness, support and the event is a fundraiser for you. (The organization
representative will take responsible for collecting the box and sending it
to the company that will issue the check to them for the recycled phones or
delivery of food to foodbank.)
Call in on the day of the show, from the event and you can be a guest. In
addition, get on the list to be included on one of the panel discussions
related to the role of an empowered small business sector in economic
recovery and community renewal.

Provide the "gathering location" where they essentially donate space for the
project. If the business will also host a collection box for an additional
amount of time - I will tweet about your support with street location or
website, as well as mention any special offers that encourage people to
Businesses can sponsor an event by hosting space for collection boxes,
providing refreshments, signage, etc.

If the business agrees to recycle used trashed electronic equipment
henceforth I will work with you to develop that program as part of your
marketing strategy.

If you are on Twitter please tweet, use cells to capture photo and video
defining the moment and upload and tweet them with #cfaap tag
Next step...

*Let me know you are interested by following me on Twitter
http://twitter.com/ydubel and sending a Direct Message there.

Once we have locations confirmed and a core willing to committed to pulling
this off- we can start to promote with hints on Twitter. I will create a one
page website with some basic instructions and information about

After the event the tweets, interview audio, photos and video will be used
in an online (and eventually real world) installation.
The photos and videos will be promoted on the Cultural Fusion youtube
channel, Twitter, Twitpic, Myspace, Facebook, etc.

What do you think?
Thank you for your time and attention!


Delivering Art Based Solutions to order
Your Official Invitation to Cultural Fusion
“The artist is the person who invents the means to bridge between biological
inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation.”
- Marshall McLuhan
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
-Anais Nin
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