[p2p-research] [p2p energy economy] p2p - Systems Modeling - How to Talk about Anything p2p with Anyone

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:58:44 CEST 2009

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:21 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
> To boil it down to pictures

This reminds me of an idea to make a term->icon mappings.

What do the Power Words look like?

I'm hoping if we can discover some good representations, that they can
be used in a sort of relational flow-chart state machine thingamajig.

> Power Words:
> 1. Justice
> 2. Peace
> 3. Peer to Peer (no inequities, no barriers, but not 'no differences'..
> we're not a borg)
> 4. Cooperation (see Snowdrift game vs Prisoner's Dilemma thread... I'd like
> to write something more holistic about cooperation in networks vs
> hierarchies and give a powerful case for the P2P model which is based on the
> network paradigm... and talk about competition and preferential access in
> the context of the moral paradigm)
> 5. Open (both the production organization and the code/content)
> A lot of our discussion here revolves around defining the above *words* ...
> even if we don't do that explicitly. Everything ever posted to this list is
> about providing one's definition for one or more of the above words (and any
> other such power words that i may have missed)

Here is my *-association brain-dump:

Free, Freedom, Libre, Liberty

Commons, Collective, Cooperate

Social, Trust, Organize, Group

Fund, Invest, Capital, Finance, Loan, Debt, Bank, Money, DeathGrip (MortGage)

Means, Source, Input

Product, Object, Output

Service, Network, Transport

Tax, Cost, Price

Revenue, Dividends, Earnings, Profit

Scarcity, Abundance

Material, Immaterial

Copyright, Patents, Copyleft

Copy, Duplicate, Instantiate

Royalty, Propriety, Proprietary

Ownership, Property, Private, Public, Personal

Money, Currency, Cache, Bank, Store, Credit, Debt

Govern, Manage, Admin, root

Land, Capital, Labor

Rent, Profit, Wage

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