[p2p-research] Revision 2 of Sections 1 Draft Collaborative Principles of P2P

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:12:38 CEST 2009

Section 1: Toward a Peer to Peer (p2p) Ethos

Article 1. P2P Interactions

 A. High quality p2p interactions exist between peers. Peers typically
recognize and interact with each other without reference to rank or

B. Peers' willingness to interact is not primarily linked to external
benefits or causes such as prestige, duty or obligation.

C. Peer interactions are judged qualitatively superior if linked to serving
(and be served by) contributions to a commons.

D. These interactions attempt to minimize mediating forces or organizations.

E. What to avoid: P2P specifically does not aim to circumvent democratically
enacted laws, rightfully established organizational controls, or legitimate
claims of property in force. Rather, p2p seeks to build and expand common
resources that are expressly free, open, collaborative and mutually

Article 2. Recognition of the Commons

A. Concepts such as Open Access, Open Source, Open Content, Creative
Commons, Science Commons and their supporting frameworks are consistent with
the core principles of p2p.

B. While not specifically non-commercial, p2p interactions recognize the
value and ideal of expanding shared and freely available resources
particularly related to knowledge and information.  Commercial gains are
more consistent with p2p when they benefit smaller and less capital
intensive organizations that are inclined themselves to participate in more
frequent p2p interactions.

C. Attribution and acknowledgment of contributions are consistent with p2p.

D. What to avoid: P2P interactions should avoid a permission culture.  That
is, private copyrights, trade secrets, intellectual property boundaries or
other boundaries between attributed contributions are actively discouraged.

Article 3: Economic Theories

A. P2P is not associated or disassociated with any particular economic
theory such as capitalism or socialism.

B. It is possible that p2p represents its own framework of economic theory
most closely aligned with what have been considered primitive barter and
exchange economies.

C. Implementations of alternative currencies, open money and modes of
exchange that do not necessitate governments, central banks or state-based
regulatory authorities represent core elements of a p2p ethos.

D. What to avoid: P2P is not a transaction-based mode of exchange.
Optimization of trades and exchanges for personal gain is not consistent
with a p2p ethos.
Article 4: Moral Foundations

A. P2P interactions are considered qualitatively superior if they advantage
large, open and sharing communities.

B. The ideas associated with sustainable production or sustainable operation
of production resources are at the root of a p2p ethos.

C. P2P transactions are not appropriate mediated by political, social,
gender, sex or religious biases.  Interactions occur openly without respect
to identities or group participation by peers in other aspects of their

D. Transparent execution of transactions in the full view of any party is
consistent with the best ideals of a p2p ethos.

E. Where resources are allocated or invested in those who might contribute
to a p2p framework, openness of selection processes, transparent decision
criteria and inclusive capacity to participate as a candidate for selection
are core principles.

F. P2P interactions are not biased against bots, transhumanist beings, AI,
other species or forms of intelligence that can act as peers if it is
reasonable to recognize such participants as peers in the context of an

G. What to avoid: Peers should avoid pre-judging counter parties based on
affiliations, ranks, or associations unless those associations specifically
address competence or capacity associated with the aspects of a particular
p2p interaction.

Article 5: Technology

Please comment, rearrange, critique, etc.

Ryan Lanham
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