[p2p-research] global sensemaking and p2p facilitation

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:05:09 CEST 2009


I see the url of http://www.globalsensemaking.net/, because I think it's
very relevant for Richard's work on the upcoming State of the World forum

I wonder if you would be willing to post info on our p2p-f resource,
monitoring related matters, i.e.


Here is what we have as contextual intro:

*his is where we explore the facilitation of learning and inquiry, and of
organizational life, to enhance whole person development, participation and

The motto of this section is:

*Getting Better at Working Together!*

or, in slightly more complex terminology: *From a recognition of
Equipotentiality <http://p2pfoundation.net/Equipotentiality>, to a practice
of Coliberation <http://p2pfoundation.net/Coliberation>*, the advance of any
of us to the ability to engage in peer to peer relationships is dependent on
the ability of all.

Peer to peer, as a distributed mode of organization and way of thinking,
expresses itself not only in a technological infrastructure, but also in
modes of organization, and in ways to stimulate social processes that are
congruent with it. There is a emergence of a wide variety of dialogical
techniques to ellicit collaboration and collective intelligence. While this
section mostly focuses on the human-relational aspect of facilitation, it
will also monitor technological enablers to this process.

Not all relevant entries from the P2P Encyclopedia have been ported here
yet: only material from A to C.

] Introductory Articles

   1. For context and background, read *John Heron's Introduction to
   * and his introduction to the revolution in
   2. Rosa Zubaretta's
   * specifically tackles the peer to peer vs. leadership aspects of
   Facilitation; also her (from Heb Shepard) distinctions between Primary vs
   Secondary Individual-Group
crucial as well.
   3. Jean-Francois Noubel: Creating Invisible Architectures for Collective
   4. Nova Spivack: Towards Healthy Virtual Selves for Collective

More articles:

   1. Which tools to use for collaboration in
recommended overview table.
   2. The specific p2p formats for conferencing are Open Space
Technology<http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Space_Technology>and its
offshoots in the technology world:
   Unconferences <http://p2pfoundation.net/Unconferences> and
   we are very interested in developments around Open
   3. In Transcending the Individual Human Mind through Collaborative
   Ernesto Arias et al. explain why peer to peer learning design is essential
   in complex societies.
   4. David Eaves warns that the cooperation of online
not the same as
   Collaboration <http://p2pfoundation.net/Collaboration> which requires the
   resolving of differences, and that For
Benefit<http://p2pfoundation.net/For_Benefit>organizations are
community management organizations and not software firms.

   5. Collaboration in the workplace can be given helpful structure via the
   set of principles and patterns known as Human Interaction

] Citations [edit<http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Facilitation?title=Category:Facilitation&action=edit&section=4>
] Chris Corrigan on the fifth mode of organization:

"Within the Art of Hosting community of practice, we have been looking at a
fifth organizational paradigm, which is something like a combination of
hierarchy, circle, network and bureaucracy. *Some of us have been looking at
what these four paradigms have to offer, for examples, hierarchy offers
order and clarity, circle offers an equal reflective space, network offers
an immediate ability to connect with whatever is needed, and bureaucracy
helps channel resources where they are needed*, "irrigating" initiatives or
parts of an organization.

Certainly, each of these has a dark side, but if the benefits are
illuminated and then transcended, you get a fifth organizational paradigm in
which all four can be somehow present and somehow something new is born."

] Alex Steffen on why we need peer sharing tools

"as we move more rapidly towards a bright green future, we are going to find
ourselves more and more in terra incognita, doing things and creating things
and combining things that have never before been done, created or combined.
In order to do this well, we have to help each other by sharing what we've
learned." (http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/007769.html)

] Russ Volkmann on the relational stance for leadership

"Participants need to have “confidence that better outcomes emerge from
joint work when the quality of interaction truly matters, rather than when
tasks are the sole and primary focus.” This requires a “relational stance.”
That is, members are open to the perspectives of others and the possibility
that “any contribution by any group member can be a source of intelligence
for the group…In sum, the view here is that contentious problems require
leadership grounded in processes of joint and individual learning rather
than influence (or authority) and that these learning processes must be
conducted in a highly relational manner.” (

] Key Resources
] General

   1. General Facilitation Literature is compiled by
   2. *An overview, with links, of facilitation methodologies* by Chris
   Corrigan <http://chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/?page_id=958>
   3. Augmenting Conferences through
   great overview of tools and examples by George Siemens and Terry Anderson et
   al. Reviews Augmented
   Blended Conferences <http://p2pfoundation.net/Blended_Conferences>, Online
   Conferences <http://p2pfoundation.net/Online_Conferences> etc...
   4. Recommended course on Facilitating with
   5. The Optimal Size of
   Christopher Allen of the Life With Alacrity blog has expanded his articles
   on group size, with an article on community sizes and another on personal
   circle sizes. The latter are our own self-centred circles (those we're in
   the middle of), while the former are circles of which we have chosen to be a
   member. The dynamics of the two, Christopher says, are different.
   6. Recommended community: Global

] On Online Facilitation

Overview of online facilitation and Moderation
By Dolors Reig.

See also:

   1. The report Online Tools for a Sustainable Collaborative

   2. There is a budding wiki on Online

   3. The DAR group maintains a collection of Online Facilitation
a review of related
   4. Free groupware <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Free_groupware>:
   links to collaborative software which can be freely used, copied, studied,
   modified, and redistributed
   5. Josef Davies-Coates
<http://technologyandsocialaction.org/node/190>maintains a directory
of offline and Online
   which he keeps updated through this
   6. The ideal Social Media
Toolbox<http://www.wearemedia.org/tools+template>selection for
   7. List of collaboration
   of Wiki software<http://collaboration.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_wiki_software>,
   compiled by Mark Elliot

] Key Books

   1. The Facilitator's Guide to Participatory
   2. Liberating Voices <http://p2pfoundation.net/Liberating_Voices>: guide
   to a liberatory pattern language for human communication
   3. Books on Building Online
   List compiled by Nancy White

] Key Conferences

   1. Online Deliberation

] Key Tools

   1. Actions Options Tool <http://p2pfoundation.net/Actions_Options_Tool>:
   open source peer to peer organizing tool for activist organizations. Here is
   a screencast<http://snap.actionsoptions.org/uploads/demo/introduction.mov>which
provides a preview of AOT's features
   2. Open Sphere <http://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Sphere>, group facilitation
   3. Bernie DeKoven explains
Coliberation<http://p2pfoundation.net/Coliberation>strategies in his
book The Well-Played
   Game <http://p2pfoundation.net/Well-Played_Game>
   4. Appropriate Software Foundation<http://kforge.appropriatesoftware.net/>:
   facilities and tools to develop Free Software supports for civil society
   5. Amazee <http://p2pfoundation.net/Amazee>, is a recommended Social

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

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