[p2p-research] The Pirate Bay Trial, some feedback...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 15:50:10 CEST 2009

thanks Tom, I posted it as a reply to our blog,


On 4/18/09, tom at fluffylogic.net <tom at fluffylogic.net> wrote:
> My analysis of the Pirate Bay, based on my research thus far is at best it
> will be a pyrrhic victory for the prosecution and at worse it will still
> further damage them.  To elaborate, I believe that p2p follows the pattern
> of evolution and any prosecution/legal change acts as a new environmental
> hazard - some forms of p2p will be impacted by the change and others will
> be immune and survive, then thrive in the gap left behind.  Just as
> 'species' is an attempt to place a classification around an always
> changing pattern of life, 'copyright' is an attempt to place a legal
> boundary around an always changing pattern of ideas.
> There is another factor to consider that some are reporting as
> significant, the drop in Swedish p2p traffic when the law changed to make
> it easier to presecute individual illegal file traders
> (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7978853.stm) which in an article in
> the International Herald Tribune is being seen as part of a series of
> victories against piracy that might mean copyright can win.  It can't.
> However this, like the Pirate Bay victory, is no more than an single
> change to a single environmental factor and the mass of p2p will simply
> evolve round it using other techniques (IM or virtual hardrives as in
> S.Korea) and betters p2p software such as encrypted and dark-nets (as in
> Japan).
> Here are some good resources to look at on the issue;
> Pirate Bay Loses A Lawsuit; Entertainment Industry Loses An Opportunity
> http://techdirt.com/articles/20090417/0129274535.shtml
> Pirate Party Membership Surges Following Pirate Bay Verdict
> http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-party-membership-surges-following-pirate-bay-verdict-090417/
> Anti-Piracy Law Causes Drop in Swedish Internet Traffic
> http://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-law-causes-drop-in-swedish-internet-traffic-090402/
> And also we blog about such issues are; http://plugincinema.com/
> Thanks
> Tomas
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