[p2p-research] [p2pf] Launch of P2P Research Group

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 09:35:08 CEST 2009


just so we understand each other, I'm talking for a board of advisors for
the p2p foundation, not for the p2p research group, which is a separate

do you agree with starting the process, perhaps through a wiki page, P2P
Wisdom Council ?

Lessig is going to be difficult I think (I'll explain that separately, as
this is a public mailing list), but I'm much more hopeful with people like
Yochai Benkler, Howard Rheingold, and others,

I just need one 'co-owner' to start this, but don't want to do this entirely
on my own,


On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 2:29 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Michel,
> It's the next logical move, IMO, after having gained a recognized
> university/academic collaborator in the UK. I guess I can talk to yourself
> and Athina about the existing collaborative project with Hull so I can lay
> out the case for further academic collaboration in the context of a board of
> advisors.
> I had communicated with Lessig once very casually during his considering to
> run for Congress and he replied right away and in meaningful and genuine
> way.
> Overall, I find it fairly easy to get a genuine response back from actual
> intellectuals as they don't tend to play the politics of artificial
> self-scarcity (I also know that pseudo intellectuals who are in it for money
> and power tend to raise their self importance by not answering emails from
> people they don't know or being extremely slow in response or very
> superficial etc... so we have an automatic filter right there by being
> relatively unknown.)
> My issue is that I'm not too familiar with the who's who of the P2P world.
> I only know of Larry Lessig for his copyright reform efforts but I'm sure we
> can dig up a few people at MIT and Harvard, but it should work like a domino
> effect.
> This would be a good idea, IMO, and if I fail at it then the issue would be
> just mine not of the idea itself so another person can try again, although I
> don't wanna waste any bullets so to speak.
> I'll look for separate discussion email from you with appropriate CCs.
> Marc
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> as you perhaps know, the P2P Foundation is both a global informal group,
>> but with a dormant legal entity under Dutch law, which already has a board.
>> I'm more interested in setting up a board of advisors, with people who
>> could lend their prestige to our projects, by accepting to sit in this
>> board.
>> Would you be willing to help me with this, so as to make it a reality?
>> It's an old project and dream of mine, which got lost on the sideways, but
>> if you're willing to take the co-lead, I can work on it. We should start by
>> drawing a list of names.
>> If you agree, and since it is not a research issue, perhaps we can use the
>> p2pf mailing list to work on it? I can also create a wiki page to
>> consolidate suggestions. Once we have an agreed list, we can start
>> approaching them individually,
>> Michel
>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:55 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Michel,
>>> Would it make sense to setup a "board of directors" kind of entity (but
>>> not call it that per se) for the P2P Foundation with people who bring
>>> extravagant weight.. the likes of Lessig and people of his reach and
>>> reputation.
>>> ?
>>> Marc
>>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I applaud this initiative and bravo to those offering the funding.  On
>>>> the other hand, lists of  "researchers" meaning people at academic
>>>> institutions who write papers for journals seems a failed model that is less
>>>> in need of reinforcement than rejection.
>>>> Research in an academic sense is not p2p, hasn't been, and never will
>>>> be.  I would not exclude it, I just would feed it by giving it additional
>>>> free assets of prestige and focus without their earning those resources in
>>>> open (truly open) communities.
>>>> Ryan Lanham
>>>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>     I´m extremely happy to announce this initiative, which will enable
>>>>> people interested in p2p dynamics to more easily appeal for research
>>>>> funding.
>>>>> B  elow is a short announcement from Athina Karatzogianni, please ask
>>>>> for the document that she is referring to in her email listed below. If you
>>>>> are involved with research, academic or not, please let us know and do
>>>>> forward this message to other networks.
>>>>> If you have no access to the attached document, please request one from
>>>>> Athina via email
>>>>> Michel Bauwens
>>>>> Text:
>>>>> "The P2P Foundation <http://p2pfoundation.net/> in collaboration with
>>>>> the University of Hull <http://www.hull.ac.uk/>are creating a
>>>>> P2PResearch Group (P2PRG) with a physical base in Hull, in order to initiate
>>>>> a material equivalent to the various virtual networks we are all part of.
>>>>> Some of the goals of the group are to attract funding to improve already
>>>>> existent infrastructures, create more material and immaterial networks and
>>>>> hubs and capture funding for research, conferences and workshops. A
>>>>> conference scheduled for November will also produce a direct and transparent
>>>>> steering committee to oversee the various activities of the group.
>>>>> Therefore, it would be particularly helpful, if everyone, who is interested
>>>>> in participating, fills as much information as they can, in the document
>>>>> attached, and email it to Athina<http://www.hull.ac.uk/humanities/media_studies/staff/athina_karatzogianni/>at
>>>>> athina.k at gmail.com"
>>>>> see and forward doc attached (please edit doc michel as you see fit)
>>>>> athina
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dr Athina Karatzogianni
>>>>> Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society
>>>>> The Dean's Representative (Chinese Partnerships)
>>>>> Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
>>>>> The University of Hull
>>>>> United Kingdom
>>>>> HU6 7RX
>>>>> T: ++44 (0) 1482 46 5790
>>>>> F: ++44 (0) 1482 466107
>>>>> http://www.hull.ac.uk/humanities/media_studies/staff/athina_karatzogianni/
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dr Athina Karatzogianni
>>>>> Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society
>>>>> The Dean's Representative (Chinese Partnerships)
>>>>> Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
>>>>> The University of Hull
>>>>> United Kingdom
>>>>> HU6 7RX
>>>>> T: ++44 (0) 1482 46 5790
>>>>> F: ++44 (0) 1482 466107
>>>>> http://www.hull.ac.uk/humanities/media_studies/staff/athina_karatzogianni/
>>>>> --
>>>>> Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
>>>>> http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -
>>>>> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>>>> Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
>>>>> http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -
>>>>> http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>>>>> Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
>>>>> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
>>>>> http://www.shiftn.com/
>>> --
>>> Marc Fawzi
>>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Marc-Fawzi/605919256
>>> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcfawzi
>>>  __._,_.___
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>>> __,_._,___
>> --
>> Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
>> http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -
>> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>> Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
>> http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -
>> http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>> Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
>> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
>> http://www.shiftn.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> p2presearch mailing list
>> p2presearch at listcultures.org
>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> --
> Marc Fawzi
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Marc-Fawzi/605919256
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marcfawzi

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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