[p2p-research] protest politics conference

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 09:08:35 CEST 2008

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Date sent:          Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:45:38 +0200
From:              "Niesyto, Johanna" <niesyto at fk615.uni-siegen.de>
To:                bewegungsforschung at lists.riseup.net
Subject:            [bewefo] Upcoming Conference 'Social Web - Towards
Networked Protest

|| Conference: ˜Social Web " Towards Networked Protest
Politics?™ ||
We are pleased to invite you to the conference ˜Social Web "
Towards Networked Protest Politics?' which will be held on the
7th and 8th November 2008 at the Collaborative Research
Centre 'Media Upheavals' in Siegen, Germany. Overall, the
conference aims at shedding some light on the interrelations of
social movements and digital networks. It will address such
questions as:

Panel #1: Virtualized Networks, Social Movements &
Which aspects of internal communication, decision making,
organization, and coordination of protest actions are facilitated
within virtualized networks?
With regard to external communication how do campaigns
organized by virtualised networks and coalitions manage to
speak with ˜one voice™?
Are network technologies changing campaign strategies of
establishing public spheres?

Panel #2: Virtualized Networks & Community
To what extent do civil society actors use technologies of Web
2.0 in order to build up social relationships and to foster or
anticipate processes of community building and collective
Do Web 2.0 technologies form another milestone on the way
towards a ˜networked individualism™ (Wellman)?
How are cognitive and affective elements connected within
virtualized communities?
May we characterize them as social networks, as issue
networks, or as ˜epistemic communities™?

Panel #3: Virtualized Networks & Transnationalism
How are claims of virtualised networks asserted across
To what extent and how does virtualised protest bridge the
North-South gap?
Do social network techniques generally enable mobilization of
spatially separated supporters and thus contribute to the
development of a ˜global civil society™?

Panel #4: Virtualized Networks & Democracy
How can we conceptualize public sphere(s) in the age of
network communication on the internet beyond the nation state?
May Web 2.0 be regarded as ˜magic formula™ for online
deliberation, participation and direct democracy?
What conclusions may be drawn for conceptions like
˜transnational democracy™ or ˜global governance™?

Keynote speakers:
Panel #1:Dieter Rucht, Social Science Research Center Berlin,
Panel #2: Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam, NL
Panel #3: Peter J. Smith/Elizabeth Smythe, Athabasca
University /University College of
Alberta, CDN
Panel #4: James Bohman, Saint Louis University, USA

Full programme and detail information is provided by e-mail and
on the website http://www.protest-cultures.uni-siegen.de.
If you are interested in attending the conference, please write an
e-mail to protest-cultures at uni-siegen.de before 19th October
2008. Conference fees are Eur 25 for one day and Eur 50 for
the complete conference.

Kind regards
Sigrid Baringhorst, Veronika Kneip, Annegret März, Johanna

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