[p2p-research] (almost) Gone to Croatan

Paul B. Hartzog paulbhartzog at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 19:47:07 CEST 2008

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps it is time soon to think about how to bring both p2p foundation and
> cooperation commons back from the "ashes" as something new? I will be in
> more of a position to think about this in a few months time. The work is
> critical in my opinion, especially now that people are beginning to try and
> do this stuff, use it to solve real world problems. We need to make these
> knowledge bases, network projects and activities more flexible, so that they
> can change and adapt over time as conditions change (like for instance that
> it is no longer novel for many people to contribute to a wiki, and so harder
> to rely on that type of contribution model that worked better only a few
> years ago) , and to allow people to make a living from them.

I agree with Sam on this (and would include panarchy.com in the
conversation as well.  More to the point, there are also other players
in these networks.  I we could somehow mobilize broader scale
cooperation, we might cross a critical-mass threshold.  I think one of
the key reasons none of these players HAVE crossed those thresholds is
that they are keeping a sort of "walled garden" based on their own
evolutionary histories etc. (I know I have been guilty of this for

I don't have any solutions, but a conversation of some kind is of interest.


PaulBHartzog at PaulBHartzog.org
PaulBHartzog at panarchy.com
PHartzog at umich.edu
The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
 --Muriel Rukeyser

See differently, then you will act differently.
 --Paul B. Hartzog

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