[p2p-research] (almost) Gone to Croatan

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 20:31:32 CEST 2008

> I have pretty much reached the end of the road concerning my engagement with
> the P2P Foundation. Barring a miracle, in six months or so, I will have to
> stop with what I'm doing.

I'm very sorry to hear this. What you've accomplished certainly
doesn't strike me as a defeat.  The Wiki and blog are both immense
repositories of insight on peer production, and the blog has done an
excellent job of promoting ties and mutual awareness between everyone
in the movement.

I also think the P2P Foundation is potentially a key component in the
overall alternative economics movement.  I'm in the process of joining
the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network right now, mainly so I can promote
closer ties between the SEN and organizations like the P2P Foundation
and Open-Source Ecology.

If you evaluate what you've done against the baseline of what was
there before, it's a monumental accomplishment.

But I know what burnout is, and hope you can find something that
relieves your financial stress and gives you some sense of enjoyment
as well.

The P2P Wiki, blog, and other materials will remain up online, won't
they?  Will they continue to be going concerns?  There's a great deal
of valuable material there that should not be lost, and hopefully it
will continue to be added to by the rest of the community--even if
it's at a less energetic pace without your efforts.

Kevin Carson
Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
Anarchist Organization Theory Project

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