[p2p-research] Fwd: Democratic Socioeconomic Platform announcement

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 07:52:17 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <GeorgeCSDS at aol.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:43 PM
Subject: Democratic Socioeconomic Platform announcement
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Dear Michael Bauwens,

I wonder if you would distribute the following announcement.


Rob George

Fellow Passengers and Crew,

The purpose of this communication is to announce and present to you
a*Democratic Socioeconomic Platform, in search of a Democratic
Political Party

This *Democratic Socioeconomic Platform (DSeP)* is available on the website
of the *Center for the Study of Democratic Societies<http://www.centersds.com>
* at:


The purpose of this* Democratic Socioeconomic Platform* is to put forth a *new,
fundamentally just, democratic and* systemically consistent political
platform capable of, if implemented, satisfactorily resolving or
significantly reducing a wide variety of contemporary serious societal
problems, as well as effectively enhancing the* General Welfare of All
Citizens of a Democratic Society*.

*Socioeconomic Democracy <http://www.centersds.com/thebook.htm>* (SeD),
which is the essence of the proposed *DSeP*, can be viewed as engaging
in*Transformational Politics
*, that is, an evolutionary politics that consciously, openly, honestly,
forthrightly, publicly, thoughtfully, peacefully, democratically and
successfully works to realize *Synergetic Inclusive Societal Improvement*.
It will be seen that *SeD* contributes significantly to the *Positive
Empowerment and Healthy Development of all Participants of a Democratic

Serious discussion, further development and wide exposure of the ideas and
possibilities presented in this *DSeP* are sought, necessary, and could be

The *Contents* of this 2-Part *Democratic Socioeconomic Platform* are as

Part I - Democratic Systems


Political Platforms

Democratic Socioeconomic Platforms

Essential Aspects of Socioeconomic Democracy

Economic Elements of Socioeconomic Democracy

Economic Incentives Created by Socioeconomic Democracy

Democratic Resolution of Socioeconomic Problems

Part II - Socioeconomic Ramifications


A Few Individual yet Intimately Intertwined Socioeconomic Problems
Successfully Resolved or Significantly Reduced with Socioeconomic Democracy

References and Links

Suggested Further Reading.

Again, the *DSeP*, a pdf file, is available at:



Robley E. George
Center for the Study of Democratic Societies
georgeCSDS at aol.com
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