[p2p-research] The Open Cafe Network, Official Launch

Nathan Cravens knuggy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 02:49:21 CET 2008

Spread the word!

>From http://opencafemain.wikispot.org/:

"The *Open Cafe* fuses the age old tradition of the potluck with the
contemporary Open Source movement to share company, food, drink, and more in
a community environment created anew with every day. A wiki page maintained
by a community describes each day's menu and schedule of events for a
physical location in your area. You, the participant, can establish a
location, make the menu and event schedule as you please, anytime, day or

Did you discover no one is bringing coffee—the almighty nectar of the
Gods—on Sunday? Fill in the blank by listing the type of Coffee and quantity
you bring on the day's menu. No events happening? Set a time for a reading
of your favorite poetry for others. No furniture good for reading? Bring out
that old love seat from storage or invite others to join the cause! You
remember your friend Mary is a painter; ask if she'd like to contribute
artwork to the collective. You get the idea?

It is the web and emerging read/write culture that brings the activity of
the Open Cafe to life. The ability to choose and Make life is the engine
that will soon drive all forms of social organization. The Open Cafe is but
a taste of an abundant way of living, one person and one Cafe at a time."

See you there! ;)
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