[p2p-research] About vectorialism

Hervé Le Crosnier herve at info.unicaen.fr
Fri Oct 24 11:05:57 CEST 2008

	Good morning,

	During the workshop in Nottingham last year, I present
	my research concerning "vectorialism".

	By this name, and following Mc Kenzie Wark,
	i try to differentiate the new form of global
	capital that emerge from the convergence.

	I think we have to define it and follow the trail
	to imagine new ways for new class conflicts and
	new regulation systems in phase with this 21 century
	form of captation of value and socio-political domination.

	I have a hard time to clarify my position. I wasn't able to
	fullfill a good article for the C&C journal...

	I just have written now a french paper for a conference
	in Paris in November.

	If you can read french and give me some remarks, i will
	be very pleased.

	After is the english summary, an attached is the full text.
	... in french, sorry.


Hervé Le Crosnier

English summary

There's a paradox : the more the internet allow people to communicate
and publish, the more main actors are concentrated. By designing as
vectorialism this new form of monopole acting on the digital world, we
want to distinguish this new form of domination.
Vectorialism is a new alliance between a media economy, where financing
is on the hand of a third actor, be it advertisment or other influence
industry, and a toll economy. Companies emerging from the internet, as
Google, Yahoo! or Amazon, those coming from the comptuer industry, as
Cisco or Microsoft, from the telcos, as Orange, Verizon or SKT, and from
medias, as Fox News or MSNBC, are becoming vectors by extension all
along the value chain of the digital production. By this way, they cross
administrativia or political position that once were missions of public
bodies, and build industrial infrastructures to fullfill their computing
Having a broad and holistic look over all this aspects of vectorialism,
as a typical expression of cognitive capitalism, allow researchers to
enlight the collective decision process, and to describe the specific
forms of the new economical domination, and its ideological or political
consequences. And further to spot a new light on changes occuring on
working rights and economical wealth of immaterial producers.

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