[p2p-research] Fwd: The Equal Dignity Organizational Concept - The Leadingship Approach

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 18:33:34 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rune Kvist Olsen <rukvol at online.no>
Date: Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:44 PM
Subject: The Equal Dignity Organizational Concept - The Leadingship Approach
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com


Now is the time to communicate and forward the message of "*The Equal
Dignity Organizational Concept*" as a mean to rebuild corporate trust
throughout the world. This appeal can be seen as one of the ultimate
reactions to the global shift in corporate and economic history of this
tumultuous times inflicted with substantial changes and transformations of
how our systems in society are functioning. As someone who is operating in
corporate life just stated; *"There is a global shift going on requiring us
to rethink the way we have designed our corporations and economic systems to
work. We strongly believe we must instead expand our thinking around what
may be the new models of organizational design and discover a more
enlightened, sustainable and profitable design that embraces, rather than
undermines humanity"*.

The intention with the message of "*The Leadingship Approach*" is to arise
and mobilize New Standards of Awareness and Consciousness in establishing
and implementing alternative options in designing our business organizations
to work successfully and profitably. The main key is to create a New Social
Order that recognizes and embraces the sovereignty of each and every
individual human being at work.

I hope for a valuable assistance in promoting the vision of "*The Equal
Dignity Organizational Concept*" by communicating and forwarding this
message throughout relevant operations and network. Please give me a signal
on this request.

All the best

Rune Kvist Olsen

*Design and implementation of The Equal Dignity Organization *

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