[p2p-research] Fwd: Baudelaire in Cyberspace book launch

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 00:41:24 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Angelo Vermeulen <focusfree at edpnet.be>
Date: Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 4:41 AM
Subject: Baudelaire in Cyberspace book launch // TF research gathering 31
Oct 18:00
To: Angelo Vermeulen <focusfree at edpnet.be>

*Baudelaire in Cyberspace
Dialogen over kunst, wetenschap en digitale cultuur
Antoon Van den Braembussche & Angelo Vermeulen
:: preface Henri Beunders
:: graphic design Joris Van Aken & Raf Vancampenhoudt
:: ASP, Brussels, 262 pp, with color illustrations, in Dutch
:: order on **http://www.vubpress.be* <http://www.vubpress.be/>

This publication is a collection of ten in-depth dialogues between art
philosopher Antoon Van
den Braembussche and Angelo Vermeulen. In these dialogues, the authors
explore the
contemporary relationships between art, science and digital culture. Through
about topics such as the malaise of art, violence in media, neoromanticism
in computer
games, and the interlacing of biotech and neoliberal capitalism, they
develop a remarkably
original viewpoint on contemporary culture. Two dialogues are already
available on
AngeloVermeulen.net <http://www.angelovermeulen.net/> under a Creative
Commons license, and throughout the upcoming
weeks all remaining dialogues will be put online. The book version has a
more elaborate
graphic design with illustrations, and contains an extensive index of all
discussed subjects,
names and titles.

'Baudelaire in Cyberspace' will be presented in different cities throughout
Belgium and the
Netherlands. For an updated list of all presentations please visit
AngeloVermeulen.net <http://www.angelovermeulen.net/> or join
the Baudelaire in
Facebook group <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23434628286>.

• October 22: Denkcafé<http://www.arminius.nu/index.php?page=agenda/denkcafe_flaneren_in_cyberspace>,
Arminius, Rotterdam, starts 20:00
• November 9: 72nd Antwerp Book
Antwerp, starts 11:00
• November 13: Z33 <http://www.z33.be/>, Hasselt, starts 18:00
• November 23: Melkweg <http://www.melkweg.nl/>, Amsterdam, starts 16:00
• December 11: Recyclart <http://www.recyclart.be/>, Brussels, starts 20:00
• December 12: HISK <http://www.hisk.edu/>, Ghent, starts 18:00
• Date to be confirmed: WARP <http://www.warp-artprojects.be/>, Sint-Niklaas

On November 5, both authors will be interviewed during the live radio show
Ramblas on Klara <http://www.klara.be/cm/klara/>
Radio <http://www.klara.be/cm/klara/>, starting at 12:00.

*November 5, starting at 18:00
FoAM, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34 (top floor), 1080 Brussels

During this research gathering Angelo Vermeulen will present a first
round-up of 'Translucent
Futures', his project on ubiquitous technology and the downward spiral of
civil rights. The
project was started at FoAM <http://fo.am/about> in June, and continued at a
residency at [nadine <>] in September
and October. The meeting starts with a short introduction outlining the
project's main goals
and research approach through mindmapping, wiki-building and collaboration
with specialists
from different fields.

Apart from functioning as an activist/artistic platform, 'Translucent
Futures' also functions as a
base for the creation of new art projects. During his residency at [nadine]
Vermeulen started
the preproduction of a live documentary dealing with issues raised in
'Translucent Futures'.
As such, his research shifted from a strictly theoretical to a more
practical, applied approach.
Two specific topics are explored in more detail: representation of the
digital and dystopia in
cyberpunk from the late 80s/early 90s, and hacking culture. Both serve
as inspirational

background material to shape the documentary project. The contemporary
(political) relevance
of archetypal examples of cyberpunk such as 'Neuromancer' from William
Gibson and 'Snow
Crash' from Neal Stephenson will be elaborated. The presentation will conclude
with a
personal selection of video clips of cyberpunk/dystopian movies.

After the research gathering, FoAM, [nadine] and the Guild for Reality
Integrators and
Generators invite you to cultivate the vegetal side of your mind... From
dystopia to
heterotopia, from human-machine to human-plant interactions, a
post-cyberpunk eve for
retro-techno-pagans, archaic revivalists, lab-witches, eco-nomads, pre &
post millenial
cultists. gRiggers are preparing an evening of ethnobotanical cooking,
lighting, autumn tunes, with viriditas and thalience diffused through the
air, culminating in a
(pre)futuristic celebration of the All Hallow's Eve <http://fo.am/node/485>.
Please join us.

AE6/Unsubscribe: focusfree[at]edpnet.be

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