[p2p-research] important open design initiative

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 15:54:40 CEST 2008


Franz Nahrada alerted me to the existence of VOICED and is asking for an

If anyone can provide it, all add it to the blog item above, slated for the


"The vision of VOICED is to create an engineering virtual organization that
addresses the challenges of synthesizing innovative conceptual designs of
increasingly diverse and competitive engineered products and systems through
the reuse of existing design knowledge in a cyber repository. As design
advancement becomes progressively more difficult and risky to achieve, the
ability to efficiently identify and avoid potential failures while archiving
and promoting successful novel ideas becomes an invaluable technology that
can only be effectively achieved through collaboration of industry and

Analogous to the proliferation of open source computer code, which allows
individuals and organizations to collaboratively develop software, the
Virtual Organization for Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design (VOICED)
is focused on fostering and gathering product information to help
individuals, students, and industries create better and more competitive
products. This approach to conceptual design allows geographically dispersed
organizations to draw from and contribute to a shared set of prior design
knowledge that supports a more thorough investigation of concept
alternatives given diverse customer requirements.

If successful, the results of this research will improve our ability to
create unique, innovative new products and processes. The ability to share
ideas and solutions in a cyber repository will lead to new product and
system configurations that would not be envisioned without this shared
knowledge base. Ultimately, the project will provide the capability to
quickly generate ? automatically or manually ? alternative concepts, thus
shortening the development cycle. Finally, VOICED will create a forum for
educators to share and exchange design course material, improve upon
existing courses, and receive input from industry practitioners on design

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